Friday, February 27, 2009

Buyers Remorse

you wanted Obama, you got him

read me

looks like the socialist's support is slipping


Anonymous said...

He's more popular than ever. I know how that drives you people nuts, but it's true.

His popularity and power will only grow as he presents real ideas to solving the horrendous problems foisted on us by the ignorance and greed that you people call conservatism but what is better described as savagery.

The whole conservative side of the spectrum has reverted to simply making fun of things they don't understand, like adolescents whose intellect is undeveloped.

The unfortunate thing is that you're not adolescents and will never attain the critical thinking skills to make you useful citizens in a civilized society.

nerd said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
nerd said...

Au contraire. Read on Obama's Popularity Sinking.

I sincerely wish President Obama well. Apparently, that attitude is not shared by all, even in his own party.

Perhaps some research is indicated before yopu once again publicly embarrass yourself.

Anonymous said...

The people are starting to see through the smoke and mirrors.

Schteveo said...

I can ONLY imagine what was deleted if that delusional bastards comment is still here!!

Anonymous said...

You people are the sickest, most bitter losers I've ever seen. Simply awful people.

God help your families and children.

Schteveo said...

He's NOT more popular. Read the polls. I thought liberals lived and died by polls?

Locally, Mr BOHICA is not as popular. He promised the sun, the moon and the stars, HLT. Thus far he's passed out a couple flashlights and some moon shaped stickers. He has not delivered what he ran on. Much of it he's done a 180 on.

He was here in NC yesterday to announce his Iraq Withdrawal Plan. It pissed of the Army and Marines because they think the mission isn't complete. It pissed off the Code Pink people, because he's leaving TWICE the number of troops in Iraq than McCain said he'd leave, 50,000, and Code Pink thought the optimal number was ZERO.

He said the Bush economic
boost Funds were too much, unnecessary and wasteful. Then he topped it. He said McCain would be Bush Jr, and would push the federal budget over the trillion dollar mark. The he Barack Hussein BOHICA, turned in a budget of over a trillion dollars.

I think you mistake our, "I told you so", attitude for glee. It isn't. We feared he'd do these things and he has! None of us is reveling in having less or seeing anyone's investments or homes or jobs jeopardized.

As I recall, it was YOU who said they'd lose it all to see US suffer, NOT the other way around.

nerd said...

You people are the sickest, most bitter losers I've ever seen. Simply awful people.

God help your families and children.

Anything to say in rebuttal to the poll? I didn't think so. It would have requirted the use of some intelligence, a quality glaringly absent from your usual drivel.

Anonymous said...

No one expected him to maintain a 76% popularity rating.

When he gets to 20% like bush, come back and we'll talk. but I doubt that will happen.

Bitter losers looking for any shred of bad news. Just the worst people on the planet.

Blue said...

No one expected him to maintain a 76% popularity rating.

the kids that drank the kool aid did....

in 2012 all the college students that voted for Obama will be unemployed or working at jobs that illegals used to do because of Obama's economic policies....

I think they will just forget to vote .......

Anonymous said...

because of my policies - the economy is tanking, Russia is getting bolder, Iran has a nuke, charities are failing, bread lines are forming, etc

But, how do I spend my time --- picking a Portuguese water dog to be the official White House pooch - after all I made a campaign promise to do so

Anonymous said...

Oh Look! What's this?

Obama Approval Rating Increases to 67%

PRINCETON, NJ -- In the days immediately after Barack Obama's nationally televised address to Congress on Tuesday night, his public support has increased significantly to 67% in Feb. 24-26 Gallup Daily polling, and is now just two points below his term high. This comes on the heels of a term-low 59% reported by Gallup on Tuesday.

Obama's speech was well-received, and appears to have won him back support he had been losing in prior days, and then some.

The speech certainly came at an opportune time for Obama, but a recovery was easily achievable because the decline in his approval rating was accompanied by an increase in the percentage of Americans expressing no opinion, rather than an increase in the proportion disapproving of his performance in office.

LOL, try again, bitter losers!

Anonymous said...

There sure is a lot of idiocy from non-contributing thieves in this thread. Tell the board, HLF, what exactly do you do to contribute to society? Have you ever flipped a burger to feed a worker? Have you ever driven a nail to build a house? Have you ever designed, or helped in the manufacture of a “widget” that would improve the lives of Americans? Have you ever cleaned a tiolet in an old-folk's home?

What is your contribution to society? Maybe if you told us, we'd take you seriously. Right now, you are nothing but a lazy thief who deserves nothing but a rope. What have you done for America this week? How have you contributed? Even working in a car wash would count - ANYTHING! Do you do ANYTHING other than thievery and advocacy of "taking" from those who earn? Anything at all... What do you do? Tell us what a worthwhile person you are. How do you actually contribute?

nerd said...

Obama's sky-high popularity dips in first month

Anonymous said...

Poor revolution-is-coming! Seems like my refutation of the "Obama is going down!" thread made him/her a little nuts!

Really, a conservative accusing anyone of being selfish and not contributing? That's funny! The conservatives I know would shit on their extra food rather than share it.

Oh, and Nerd? Your story was from Feb 20th, BEFORE Obama wowed the people with his promises to reverse the excesses of conservative ignorance, greed, mismanagement and neglect.

Anonymous said...

You didn't answer the question.

Of course you never do which, again, is why no one takes you seriously...

What is your contribution?

And I'm not "poor" - and I have no idea what post you're talking about "rufuting", narcissistic dumbass. What - do you really think everyone here reads anything you write? HA! Poor delusional little thing you are. You are widely ignored and NOT read - I'm just curious...

What is your contribution to America and mankind?

Anonymous said...

Ah, come on HLF! You can come up with something! Even under your beloved communist manifesto it says "to each according to their contribution".

What is YOUR contribution under America's new Communist regime?

What do you contribute?

Communists will put a bullet in your head for non-contribution. Conservatives look down on you, but still feed you and give you a place to jack off. You've chosen Communism - so you MUST have a HUGE contribution.

What is it, HLF?

Anonymous said...

Come ON HLF- don't disappoint your handlers! You better come up with a ‘self worth’ ASAP – or those you worship will kill you. You serve them – that means you MUST have worth to them! What is it that makes you non-worthless, Hmmm?

nerd said...

The reason that a liberal revolution will never occur in the United States is because our liberals lack the committment, the vision, the courage and the stomach to be agents of real change. A small group of committed Bolsheviks effected the Russian revolution and wrested power from the Czar; whereupon they turned that country into the human rights hellhole that it is today.

American liberals are a coterie of lickspittles who have not the courage nor the vision of their Russian brethren. They would much rather whine and bad-mouth their opposition than take any concrete action for change. They are a cadre of limp-wristed, ineffectual, effete dilettantes who are much better at practicing the politics of envy and complaint and taking by force of law the wealth of others than they will ever be at producing any wealth of their own. You don't win revolutions by whining about unfairness on blogs and in coffee shops.

If you believe that President Obama's election was anything but a repudiation of that idiot, George Bush's domestic policies then you are even less intelligent than I believe you to be, if indeed that is possible.

Anonymous said...

Let's get back to the topic, shall we?

It was said that polls showed Obama was going down, that the people had decided after 40 days that they had made a horrible mistake, that they wanted McCain and Palin to lead them from the economic morass that bush and the republicans put us in, a mess started 30 years ago with the advent of this "conservative revolution."

I merely pointed out that the latest polls showed him rising rapidly in popularity.

I don't personally believe in poll-watching, but it was fun to show you conservatives just how wrong you are.

Then this deranged person, driven to thoughts of revolution over the election of Obama, decides to play 20 questions with me, as if that will somehow soothe their fears over the future under a moderately liberal leader.

So afraid that they might be asked to contribute to the society they are a part of, people like this want desperately to believe that everyone is selfish and driven by greed and self-interest alone, like them. Bitter and enraged, they strike out like ham-fisted toddlers told that it's time for bed. They'll curse and scream and break all their toys in a fit of disappointed rage.

They'd rather whip up cynicism and anger than let someone who was elected do their job. No chance is given; it was war from day one. If they couldn't keep power, by God they want the whole thing burned to the ground. Hoping for failure, they want to see people suffer for rejecting their ideas, ideas that failed miserably.

Sick. Very sick. And getting worse by the day.

PS to Nerd: We already had a liberal revolution in November.

Blue said...

now comes the conservative revolution

the forces are gathering

each new Obama Policy sends more to our side

watch out now, take care, beware of silent majorities......

Anonymous said...

One sure way to tell a genuine liberal, aside from the odor, is their total refusal/inability to give a direct answer to a question. Our little puke confirms that every day.

Anonymous said...

"Obama Approval Rating Increases to 67%"

I am wondering how many Non- Liberals they "Polled"

Anonymous said...

What didn't I answer?

Another conservative revolution? LOL! You're kidding, right?

People KNOW who brought this meltdown to us. As it deepens, watch as more people turn to the government for help and develop even more scorn for the greedbag republicans and their unrestrained capitalist religion.

Liberals and democrats will most certainly help spread the word about who screwed us just as they did in the 1930s. That followed DECADES where conservatives were playing catch up.

nerd said...

PS to Nerd: We already had a liberal revolution in November.

That statement would be laughable were it not so monumentally ridiculous. A cadre of lickspittle liberals having the unparalleled courage to leave their homes to bravely cast a vote does not a revolution make.

Anonymous said...

More importantly back to the topic:

Obama's popularity has RISEN, not dropped.

Stupid conservative slugs.

Go cash your SS check, Nerd and turn some bills into Medicare. Then come here and bitch about liberals.

Anonymous said...

Obambie's popularity in Russian and France don't count you stupid shit-sucking, AIDs spreading faggot.

nerd said...

Go cash your SS check, Nerd and turn some bills into Medicare. Then come here and bitch about liberals.

That's your ass talking to your underwear, BOY.I've never said a word against Medicare, Medicaid or SS. I paid every penny of the money in. It's mine to take out as I wish and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. I defy you to find a single derogatory word I've said about thos programs, save the way they spend money on healthcare. How's 'bout a little wager? $500, $5,000, $50,000? Make it light on yourself and don't let your alligator mouth overload your hummingbird ass. Don't have $500, $5,000 or $50,000? Oh, that's right; you're a liberal.

Anonymous said...

You'll get back MUCH more than you paid in unless you die tomorrow. You got back for you parents too. And grandparents.

As far as I can tell, your credibility is GONE. You take part in the "socialism" you rail against and your in the same bed with ME.

Do you need the money? Doubt it. But like a good con, you'll bitch about the programs while you milk them for every last cent.

nerd said...

You'll get back MUCH more than you paid in unless you die tomorrow. You got back for you parents too. And grandparents.

All that statement shows is your ignorance. I shall take beck what I've put in with a modest 6% interest and not a penny more. And, you lecturing me about credibility? Please! You are less credible than the average street corner bootblack!

nerd said...

And, speaking of bootblacks, in the words of Billy Batts, "Go get your f***ing shine box."

Anonymous said...

Your credibility is gone. You willingly participate in socialism.

nerd said...

Your credibility is gone. You willingly participate in socialism.

My credibility is not in question here. What do you not understand about recieving the funds I paid in? That's not brain surgery. If you are still unable to comprehend that I paid in my portion as well as the SS SE Tax because I was self employed for most of my working life, I'll tutor you in remedial reading for a fee.