Monday, February 20, 2012

You won't sleep any safer, and here's why...

My brother sent this to me over the weekend.
These are some truly scary stats and opinions from a Econ Prof from FL, about his 'students'. And I'm betting his students are average and typical. I think it's a private school, so they may be above average in smarts and above that in daddy's income and they still don't get it. They are not using their smarts part.
Here's the short list of things the 'students' think the government SHOULD provide.
. Free Tuition and HealthcareLink. Jobs
. Money for Housing
. Money for retirement
And the video from Fox News.
The professor does some stuff to show them he's all about "me, me, me" too though. We need to clone him and put one or 100 on every campus.
Here's where I jumped my brother's @$$.
AFTER sending me this and AFTER I pointed out that he's close to the interstate and some 4 lane connectors (less than a mile), AFTER I pointed out that students with this theory live close to him(less than 5 miles), AFTER we've talked about this stuff for hundreds of hours, my (goofy) brother STILL will not arm himself or his home.
I guess he knows better than I do. He's THE college graduate with the big house and cars and that means he's the smarter one of us, right?


Anonymous said...

Cap hid ass..

Schteveo said...

No, Anon, if I did that I'd NEVER here the end of it from my mother.

He's her favorite.

It just hit me. He's expecting my mom to protect him! Just like when kids teased him when he was little!

(OMG, I'm crying over here...ROFL)

Nanner Cappin Muddafukka said...

Even if'iz it wuz me own lovely mudda wut sez dat, I shwear ta fukkin gowd, I'd cap her fukkin ass.

Anonymous said...

I mean really, how you going to act?

Schteveo said...

Are you asking ME, or Mutha cappin dude?

(remember, he caps er'rythang wut be's moo'vin! it's just his 'thing' but when you're around him, stand very still!)

Bugs WabbitPoot said...

Get it right.

It B hid THANG.
THANG!!! Get it?

Be vewy, vewy quiet. I'm hunting MUSLIMS!!!!!!!!