Saturday, December 29, 2012

Now THIS Is Justice!


Last week, a liberal reporter for some obscure, and very liberal NY newspaper, thought they would get some attention (because of the CT. shootings) by "making public the names and home addresses of people who are legally licensed to carry a concealed handgun"! They even included a detailed map showing where these people live! So far, they've only exposed people living in two major NYS counties. Can you say, OUTRAGEOUS!

Now for the justice part. A blogger, yes, a blogger, was so offended by this invasion of privacy that he did some research, then made public the "names, home phone numbers, and home addresses of all the reporters who work at this paper"! I'll bet there's a lot of liberal reporters hiding under their beds now. BTW, it was reported that the original reporter of this story is licensed in NYS to carry a concealed .357 Magnum pistol. How's that for liberal hypocrisy...


Anonymous said...

See how facts kill the left's case against guns.

A. Levy said...

Facebook shows it true leftist leanings.

Schteveo said...

C'mon Spider, isn't 'liberal hypocrisy' redundant and 'liberal hypocrite' an oxymoron?

Chairman maObama said...

Don't let facts get in the way

Schteveo said...

Never waste a crisis, even if you have to trump up that crisis.

Pooter said...

Those fukkers need to start disapearing one by one about now. we need to do the same tghing for all the liberals in the US. Let them see hom many guns Babs and Fienstien etc have

Spider said...

There are dark days ahead for us bros. Start looking for a real good place to stash your pieces.

Anonymous said...

Up liberals ass is looking like first choice.

Spider said...

So, what do anti-gun liberals do when they're scared?