Thursday, April 5, 2012

The War Against God

In today's America, only a complete idiot, or a Leftist, would not realize that there is an obvious war against Christianity. No, it's not simply a war against religions per se, as Jews and Mooselambs are never attacked. In the overwhelming majority of these cases, that war is aimed directly at Christians and their beliefs. And, in many cases, those assaults on our religious freedoms are aimed at our children by the very people entrusted to teach them.

For our unsuspecting kids, going to school today is like training at some KGB center, where indoctrination, not education, is the plan. They're not simply being educated, they're being brain-washed to believe what the Leftists who control our education systems want them to believe. But, why would they do that?

Answer #1: Keep in mind that the American labor movement was started by the Communist Party USA, and to a great extent, it still controls that movement. Also, among all the left-leaning unions, none is more radically Left-wing than the teachers unions. It is, for the most part, those unions who control the curriculum (and the teachers) at most schools.

Answer #2: In indoctrinating our children, the Leftist teachers and their union masters are following a specific plan. "To conquer a nation without the use of military force, you must first control the minds of their young..." Those words (instructions) were spoken a long time ago by someone the labor unions and many teachers still look up to, Karl Marx.

And how do most parents and the majority of the American people respond to this threat to our children and our country? Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z

1 comment:

Goober said...

YOu don't want them aggressively pushing your beliefs out the door? Then stop agressively pushing your beliefs on them in the first place.

There is no "war on chritianisty". There is a backlash against people who are constantly forcing their Christianity on people who don't want it.

No one is offended by a nativity scene. Lots of people are offended by their tax money going to pay for one when they don't want one. Christians say "war on christianity!" and force their beliefs even harder, so people push back harder. Eventually, people ARE offended by the sight of a nativity scene because they are sick of the whole mess.

YOu want to be left alone? Return the goddamned favor and we'll see.