Sunday, January 27, 2013

Lying jerks in the MSM strike again!

Here's an article that compares gun deaths and gun laws in the U.S. vs other countries.  I don't know if ANY of the items from other countries is true, because the stuff this idiot writes about US is so wrong.
After a tragedy like the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, the statistic is always trotted out. Compared to just about anywhere else with a stable, developed government — and many countries without even that — the more than 11,000 gun-related killings each year in the United States are simply off the charts.

To be sure, there are nations that are worse. But others see fewer gun homicide deaths in one year than the 27 people killed Dec. 14 in Newtown, Connecticut.
OK so we're off the charts, BUT there are places that are worse.  Then WTF is the point of this article? .
"We have a very different way of looking at guns in Japan than people in the United States," said Tsutomu Uchida, who runs the Kanagawa Ohi Shooting Range, an Olympic-style training center for rifle enthusiasts. "In the U.S., people believe they have a right to own a gun. In Japan, we don't have that right. So our point of departure is completely different."
No, Tsutomu San, we are GUARANTEED a right to our guns by OUR Constitution, so we don't just 'believe' we have the right.  Unlike your murdering, raping, Asia destroying asses in Nippon, we have been guaranteed our guns for over 200 years, AND it was the night of our country that kicked your asses and it was Douglas MacArthur who DENIED your country a right to arms in 1946, because you had just tried to take over HALF the World in the 1930s and 1940s!
Gun-rights advocates in the United States often cite Switzerland as an example of relatively liberal regulation going hand-in-hand with low gun crime.

The country's 8 million people own about 2.3 million firearms. But firearms were used in just 24 Swiss homicides in 2009, a rate of about 0.3 per 100,000 inhabitants. The U.S. rate that year was about 11 times higher.

Unlike in the United States, where guns are used in the majority of murders, in Switzerland only a quarter of murders involve firearms.
I pretty much quit reading here because we've just seen a statistic from the FBI that hammers and baseball bats are used more often than guns in murders in the U.S., so I quit!  But the point of my posting isn't the [fake] comparison this writer was going for, it's showing that these Left Wing, Obama loving, 'journalists' simply can't even bother to get the numbers right when they are doing a simple US vs THEM story.  They lie because it fits their narrative.  That's OK, when SHTF, we'll protect them, by proxy if nothing else, while we're defending ourselves.
The lying assholes.


Anonymous said...

Death rate per 100,000 population:

Accuracy unknown...

Spider said...

"They lie because it fits their narrative..."

First of all, one has to be pretty foolish to expect the MSM to be truthful, especially when their Leftist agenda is involved.

They lie because they know they can get away with it. They also lie because the facts are not on their side. It's simply part of the Left's "fear and hysteria" campaign against guns and gun owners that has been going on for generations.

Every so often, as with Newton CT, something happens which invigorates their cause and the demonizing starts all over again. This is nothing new, and it will never stop.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

alan said...

The part that I always find ironic about their statistics on gun deaths, is that every year somewhere between 52% and 60% of gun deaths are self inflicted aka suicides.

So the question becomes is the reason that we don't oulaw hammers and baseball bats is because there are very few suicides by those implements? but there are more homosides.

Anonymous said...

Ban Martial Arts and forks and rocks adn bottles

Schteveo said...

I understand WHY they do it. What I don't understand is 3/4 of every dumb MFer out there walking around with smartphone in their hand, NOT looking up anything beyond Angry Birds and the latest Kardashian Hot News Flash!

I don't understand cluelessness in a world of instant information access. I don't understand being an electronic ostrich.