Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Enemy Within

One of the first acts of the Clinton administration upon taking power was to gut our intelligence agencies, especially the CIA. This had been a "too-much-to-wish-for" fantasy of our enemies for decades. Many supporters of left-wing causes were infiltrated into the agency, and for the first time in it's history, the CIA became infamous for it's endless leaks to the media, and others. Also, there was a dramatic decline in the agency's ability to know what our enemies were doing around the world. This lead to many international embarrassments for America, especially when something happened somewhere and we didn't have a clue. In fact, one of the reasons GWNitwit sent us to war in Iraq was because of info given to him by the CIA. This agency was created to protect America, but there are many who sincerely believe that mission has been subverted and reversed.

Leon Panetta has been around DC for many years. First as a member of congress, he then went on to several different high-profile jobs in govt. He was appointed Director of CIA, one of the most powerful jobs in the entire govt, by the Marxist-in-Chief. Now, he's being considered for an even bigger job, Secretary of Defense, a job that will put him in control of our military. But do the America people "really know" about Panetta? Do they know his background? Do they know who his friends, mentors, and supporters are/were? I must admit that i didn't. Until now.

Since the days of WWII, we've known that communists have tried to infiltrate our govt and most of it's important agencies, and IMO, with more success than we like to think about. They've had far more success infiltrating academia, the labor movement, and of course, the MSM/entertainment industries. But what if they now control our CIA? We already know about the Left-wing sympathizers and leaker's that fill the agency. But what about the head of that agency? And if it turns out that he's someone who can't be trusted to protect our country, should we be really thinking of giving him control of our military? Perhaps the real answers are too scary to even think about...

"Barack Hussein Obama, protégé of Frank Marshall Davis and Bill Ayers, isn't the only member of the current misadministration with communist ties. Look what Accuracy in Media has learned about current CIA director and Secretary of Defense nominee Leon Panetta:

The evidence shows that Panetta had a close and personal relationship with a member of the Communist Party by the name of Hugh DeLacy, whose record included meeting with communist espionage agents..." (Borrowed from


Anonymous said...


The New York Times reports:

WASHINGTON — Representative Anthony D. Weiner has told friends that he plans to resign his seat after coming under growing pressure from his Democratic colleagues to leave the House in the wake of revelations of his lewd online exchanges with women, said a person told of Mr. Weiner’s plans...

BOW said...

Will this be tomorrow's Post headline? "WEINER PULLS OUT"

Schteveo said...

WHY should we be surprised that Obama has Panetta moving to SecDef? These guys are thick as (commie) thieves. BFD. Obama and his ilk can run them ragged, they can get us involved in 12 more kinetic bullshit movements. But it's just going to piss off the guys in uniform. Trust me, they are plenty pissed off NOW. If push comes to shove, the military will side with the citizens, NOT the current denizens of the WH. Nor will they side with any other that is this set on 'change'.

They didn't take an oath to CHANGE!!!!

Personally, I don't give a tinkers damn WHO is SecDef, the TROOPS are NOT going to follow ANY orders that are counter their oaths!!!!

So given what I know, first hand from the guys IN the military right NOW, what more damage can these idiots working for Obama do? I don't 'suppose' to know what the military thinks, one son is STILL in there, the other is going long to return, after going to college. He's going back in at 33. (he's braver than I am to attempt to compete with guys who will be 8 to 10 years youunger than he is for promotions and jobs, but he's a hard headed MFer...he's proof that Marines are BORN not made IMHO)

But I digress. If you seriously think ONE guy at the top can dismantle or stop our military from doing the basic job of protecting us. Just haul your ass out to ANY military base and buy a few beers for the kids in question. If you think YOU are mad over this admin, HAH! Go buy the beers! I've said this before, and I'm not aware of anyone doing it. Skip the local 'Dew Drop Inn' and drive to your nearest bar. Go on a Wednesday Night, Friday or Saturday Night won't work unless you have good looking legs and big boobs. You need a night were blind drunk won't work for tomorrow's assembly. Spend the gas and beer money. It'll be WELL worth your time.

alan, I'm BEGGING YOU to get in on this one here!!! HELP!

Finally, the current idiot in chief is overseeing the downward slide into anarchy. Again, B-F-D! Anyone who is so stupid, so slow or so blind as to NOT see it, DESERVES what they get. If they are so interested in 'merican Idol, Madmen, the ??? All-Star Game that they've MISSED the state of the economy for the last 7 years, I repeat what I've said before....

I hope stupidity TASTES good!

Truth is, I'd eat 'long pork' before I starved. I'll lie, steal and act crazy before I see my grandsons in chains. As old and stove-up as I am, I'm like an old dog on a long chain...don't MESS with my food bowl or dog house, I'm liable to slip to the end of that chain and ruin your whole day.

00-Spider said...

Good point Steve, and one i don't disagree with, when talking about the uniformed military. But i wonder what the inside of our intel agencies "really" look like after eight years of the Clintons and four (?) years with the Marxist-in-Chief and his anti-American minions in charge. We've read plenty of stories in recent years about how the CIA has fallen down on it's mission, with missed threats and the like. And that's only the stuff they let us know about.

How much deep, long-term damage could Panetta have done while he was there? Did he put any of "his people" in place there? And will Gen. Petraus be able/allowed to fix it. These are some very serious questions that could have very scary answers, assuming we're ever allowed to know the truth.

Schteveo said...

"And that's only the stuff they let us know about."

We'll know about 'it' when they do! Right after a satchel nuke or some kind of biological bomb goes off.