Thursday, June 2, 2011


I'm sure, by now, everyone of us has heard about this simpleton, who sent a pic of his pud, to some college co-ed. But this morning I heard the penultimate answer from this situation.
Congressman Weiner isn't sure the picture in question is a picture of HIS penis. Actually, he said he's not sure, if I heard this right, it's a picture HE took of his penis, or maybe he's not sure it's ONE of the pictures of his penis. The level of denial depends on which inbred MSM hack I heard touting this latest stupid statement from this boob. No, he's a Weiner.

NOW, having said that…

IF some 40 something SOB sent MY college age daughter a picture of his pecker, I wouldn’t care WHERE he worked nor who he was. The aforementioned pecker would soon be mounted on a piece of hard wood (no pun intended) over my fire place, along with my butcher knife! The kind of thing guys do who like fishing and have atrophy Bass or Trout up there.

I’d just tell people it was a trophy of an excellent hunt.

Yeah, she is ‘legal’, but she’s still in college and this SOB was slick enough to get elected to Congress, he’s old enough and smart enough and rich enough that he doesn’t need to be talking to my college aged daughter.

I’m sure the MSM will spin this so the daughter did “something” wrong and not the Congressman. It’s the way the world works right now. IMHO, a situation like THIS, will be exactly what sets our country on fire. It will be some half-@ssed event where the plebes will have finally had enough. They’ll storm the (WH & Congressional) castle and many peasants will be killed. But hopefully, the peasants will have their rights back when the smoke clears.

Their battle flag will be red white stripes, with a severed pecker, laying under a dripping butcher knife, on the blue field.



Bob Itt said...

I couldn't care less about Anthony's weiner

Spider said...

As a NY'er, i'm very happy to see this ultra-arrogant, ultra-leftist, finally get his huge nose caught in something. He's known as the pit-bull of the far left because of his relentless and vicious attacks on anyone or anything that even resembles a conservative. If this had happened to a Repub, he'd be the first one screaming for blood.

But, this is NYC, and he's a Jewish Demoncrat, as far to the left as anyone can get. Meaning? He'll get re-elected here, although his desire to be mayor may be in trouble.

Pssst... this story is far from over! ;)