Monday, November 21, 2011

Signs Of A Dying Society?

This is a small story and one that probably went unnoticed by most people today. And, with the way things are going in our country, most probably wouldn't find it worth reading. But there's a much bigger story here, a story about a sick mentality, a twisted way of thinking, a national sickness if you will, that is destroying our culture, our country, our way of life, and yes, even our language. And that is what makes this little story very important. I'm talking about a highly corrosive "virus " that has infected large portions of our society. That virus is called, political correctness, and it is destroying the freedom and liberty we have the right to enjoy. PC is, IMO, the most vicious thing ever created and inflicted upon us by the Left

Things that were once simply fun to many are now "offensive " to someone or something. And in some cases, may very well be illegal! Today, the mere allegation of something "improper " can destroy someones life. People can no longer speak their mind for fear of being sued, fired, demonized, or perhaps, even arrested. To give a simple compliment to an attractive woman has become a "very high risk " activity, even if no offense was intended. The PC virus is spreading faster, and sinking deeper into our society than any medical outbreak that i've ever seen. It has already infected most of our institutions and our young.

Sadly, i see no cure in sight, mainly because (IMO) the American people lack the strength and the will to think for themselves, a fact that acts as a fuel for PC. The enclosed article is a good example of what i mean...


Poots, Finger Poots said...

As James Bond would say, "My dear Pussy". Kiss my Thunderballs!

regularguy said...

Brilliant post...and absolutely correct!
This virus is what has implanted the sickening victimization mentality and the inability to be responsible for ourselves. No question PC is a creation of left wing ideology.
And of course, this virus is directly responsible for landing Obama in the White House. He is the ultimate product OF, and the ultimate puppett of PC.

Lemmiwinks said...

I'd rather speilunk JJGR's columns of morgagni than stoop to PC

A. Levy said...

“Fathom the Hypocrisy of a Government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured… but not everyone must prove they are a citizen.”–- Ben Stein

Anonymous said...

Only to a nation of sheep could things like this, not only happen, but be tolerated.

LemmiGiz said...

You do, you do LemmiSquirt. With your Goblet Cells full of Hamster Cum.

regularguy said...

A.Levy-nice job with the Ben Stein qoute. So true.

Schteveo said...

But if you have these idiot rules, then it alleviates the school offals from HAVING to think!

I'm a little shocked that they called this in at all, as the young lady was the AGGRESSOR! Usually the loony lefties take the tack that women, having been subjugated for millenia, can do no wrong!

Here's to hoping that her parents sue, win, and get the school idiots fired.

srk said...

Must have been a heterosexual kiss because they teach fudgepacking 101 in kindergarten. That's okay.