Saturday, August 8, 2009

Decisions, Decisions

It seems the cretins who run Mexifornia are involved in one of those hard-to-figure situations again. This time the question is; what do you do with all those college students who are drug users, drug abusers, and drug dealers? Remember now, we're talking about the western outpost of the Twilight Zone. Here's a clue. Think of the most insane, off-the-wall, idiotic solution, then times it by ten.

Well, in Mexifornia, you give them "tax payer funded student loans"! How silly of you not to have guessed. Apparently, the theory is, why force these kids to lay out their own money to get stoned, when you, the nation of fools, can pay for them. Not surprisingly, a plan like this could only come from the twisted mind of a Mexifornia Demoncrat, with the full support of, (you guessed it) the ACLU. It seems i missed the page in the Constitution that says, college kids have a right to get wasted at your expense. When passed, will this be the first major step in the legalization of drugs? I don't know, but if (when) that does happen, you just know it'll start out there in the Twilight Zone...


BOW said...

Once the gov't has received your generous donations, it becomes it's money. And if they want to stone out and dull the senses of these otherwise future producers and turn them into voting zombies and greenpeaceniks and other assorted useless detritis, it's none of our business. When we said "change" we meant it. Now get you unruly mobs of senile seniors offf my lawn before I turn them all into Soylent Green!

Spider said...

Yes, i definitely need more ammo!

stinkinrottenkid said...

I'm a New Yorker. I don't need a gun. I just dial 311, or in a real emergency 911.

BOW said...

By the way, I am almost finished with the stack of Porterhouse steaks in my freezer....And I could use a gigundo lobster as well.

Spider said...

Stinkinrottenkid said...
I'm a New Yorker. I don't need a gun. I just dial 311, or in a real emergency 911.

LOL! While you're waiting for someone to show up, here's the number for the Medical Examiner's Office. (212)447-2030