Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Is "Lock And Load" Time Coming?

Lately, those of the far-Left, which includes this govt. and the MSM, have been using some interesting terms to describe tens-of-millions of American citizens. "Extremists". "Nazi's". Terrorists", are just a few of the names used to describe law-abiding tax payers who are totally frustrated with this governments refusal to abide by the Constitution, and to heed the will of the people. Are some of these people so angry and frustrated that they're ready to "take it to the next step"? Perhaps. For far too long, We The Sheeple have been passive, obedient little drones, which is one of the reasons we've been ignored and dismissed by our elitist rulers. Have some of those "sheep" been pushed so far that they're now exposing their fangs and claws?

Now (and not surprisingly) comes this report from the Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization that is a very definite part of the far-Left, which warns of the rise of "Right-wing militia groups". I've always wondered why the SPLC has never issued a warning about Left-wing anarchist and terrorist groups, but that's just me. Could this "report" be true? Perhaps, to some degree. Could it be used by this govt. as an excuse for tighter and more oppressive regulations and laws? (see: controls) Absolutely! A report like this could serve as a foundation on which this govt. could build almost anything it wants. Gun control. A fairness doctrine to squelch "opposition lies". Laws controlling movement and speech. etc.

The American people are being pushed harder than ever before in our history, and in a direction that few want to go. In spite of what the Left and the MSM have been working so hard to achieve, America is not the Socialist, Marxist, utopia that some see it as, or wish it to become. Are some of those Leftists trying very hard to make their wish become reality? You bet they are! And are there some Americans who are ready and willing to fight to keep us from that fate? I sure hope so!,2933,539021,00.html?test=latestnews


J.Q. Public said...

I'm not going to make the case that America under Barack Obama and the Democratic Congress has become a totalitarian police state. But, I will make the case that Washington is leading us in that direction.

What do you call it when the government asks its supporters to "snitch" on opponents of its policies?

What do you call it when the government wants to monitor broadcasts and establish itself as the guardian of "fairness" on the airwaves?

What do you call it when the government seeks to take over the private and personal health-care decisions of the people – establishing bureaucracies to make life-and-death decisions and banning unapproved transactions between doctors and patients?

What do you call it when the government hires and fires the top executives of major corporations and redirects their corporate policies?

What do you call it when government officials refuse to turn over documents necessary to establishing whether they are constitutionally eligible to hold office?

What do you call it when the government turns the Census, designed as a tool to ensure representative government, into a weapon designed to spy on the most personal aspects of the life of citizens?

What do you call it when the government becomes the sole arbiter of whether you can keep some of any of the wealth you accumulated legally?

What do you call it when the government ignores the laws of the land and replaces them with the arbitrary whims of men?

What do you call it when the government picks and chooses winners and losers in the business marketplace?

What do you call it when the government strikes fear into the hearts of the sovereign citizens it is supposed to serve?

What do you call it when the government metes out punishment not just for criminal actions, but for "criminal thoughts"?

What do you call it when honest and open expressions of dissent are characterized as the expressions of "angry mobs"?

What do you call it when government-created joblessness is used to promote policies of government control?

What do you call it when the government exceeds its authority under the Constitution and ignores any limits on its power?

I don't know about you, but I call those questions harbingers of totalitarianism. That is where America is headed – maybe not today, tomorrow or next week, but soon, if this trend continues. Everything for which America has stood for the last 230 years is under attack – not by angry mobs, not citizen lawlessness, not from threats by external enemies, but from those in charge of government.

A top-down revolution is under way – and far too many in the "watchdog media," the courts, the opposition party, the churches, the military, the local and state government and the citizenry are just standing around doing nothing, saying nothing. That's how it begins. That's how it always begins.

Americans tend to think "it can't happen here." In truth, America's unique experiment with freedom has been brief. It not only can happen here, it will happen here, unless the American public once again becomes vigilant about protecting liberty, unless it rediscovers the principles upon which this great nation was founded and unless it turns to God as its rightful and only king rather than submit to servitude by earthly masters.
It's really that simple.

Profound changes are under way. They are on fast-forward. Americans are being seduced into a serfdom and slavery. The specter of totalitarianism hovers like a dark cloud dressed up in euphemisms that would make Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler and Mao Zedong proud. Recognize what is on the horizon. Recognize what is around the corner. Recognize what is surely coming our way. Pray that America is worthy of escaping, for a time, the fate of every previous empire in the history of the world...

Schteveo said...

I was just reading this over at Breitbart.

As usual, any push back against the Left is due to gun nuts, rednecks and racists. I'll not point out the preponderance of Democrats in the Northwest and Southeast who are in these militias. (the KKK was ALL Dems) It kills me that the very same people who yell about diversity, are the ones pigeon holing their opponents.

Throwing a pie at Ann Coulter is Patriotic, buying a gun is anti-American.


I agree with the guy from the ATF, all it needs is a spark. Oddly, we've been talking about that spark here, and at the old sites, for what, just about 4 years? The question begs, just what is that spark going to be?
And what will the ATF, and Homeland Security do, when it's Americans that they are being asked to shoot and imprison.

How many federal employees are in the militias? 100% of ATF and Homeland Security agents and employees aren't going to be FOR what the current crop of worms are doing either. Many of those guys are ex-military and they took the same oath I did.

I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

(emphasis mine)

I think many of us believe that the current trampling of the Constitution is the DOMESTIC version of this. Likewise any orders to subvert the Constitution are illegal orders and should and can be disobeyed. I just can't see the 82nd Airborne, jumping into my neighborhood and firing on the citizens. Those are the kinds of orders that get officers "fragged".

I've said before, I'm not battle ready physically, but I'm an organizing MFer when I need to be. Logistics is also part of any good battle plan.


Spider said...

Personally, i don't believe any sane, rational person would want to see this happen, especially if you know what street warfare is like. On the other hand, people are sometimes forced into doing things they may not like, want, or would other wise dream of doing, but have become necessary under a set of circumstances beyond their control. I truly believe we are fast reaching, (or are being pushed to) that point.

IMO, it was the Obamunists plan all along to take advantage of the fact that the American people have been asleep far too long. They saw our elected officials getting away with all degrees of incompetence and corruption by simply using the media to distract the people. It was the perfect time to take control of the govt. The eight years they spent demonizing GWB was simply laying the groundwork. That GWB was an incompetent nitwit only made it easier.

As to Steves point and one we've discussed here before. Would the military and/or federal/state/local law enforcement take a side, and which one? That's a very difficult question to answer. Most people in law enforcement tend to be conservative. I would "assume" the same holds true for our military, but that doesn't make it any easier to answer, especially since both groups are trained to obey orders. Of course, no sane person would want to see it come to that. But, having been around for quite a while, i have not seen this much anger building this fast. Yes, there was a great deal of anger back in the anti-war days of the 60's, but most of it was on the part of anti-American young Leftists who had a chance to show their true, drug-induced, hatred for this country. This is very different. These angry folks aren't stoned-out hippies. The angry people now are the bed-rock of this country, the heretofore silent majority, which has now been awakened.

Can they be put back to sleep by the lying, fast-talking Demoncrats and their media allies? We'll see.

Anonymous said...

Very good reading.

Schteveo said...

that link is truncated, it don't be workin'.

srk said...

" very same people who yell about diversity, are the ones pigeon holing their opponents."

The only thing I think you neglected to meantio would be:

"While cornholing each other"

Prof. Erwin Corey said...

Dr. Timothy McCarthy, while receiving a medical award for creativity, reported his findings to the Fellows of Plastic Surgery concluding with this case study: "Several years ago a woman was high on cocaine and marijuana and she rode a horse into a train traveling 80 miles an hour, all I had left to work with was the woman's hair and the horse's ass. I was able to put them together and now she's Speaker of the House."

Cornholio said...

Uh, you got a point?

srk said...
