Friday, December 18, 2009

Friday Uncle FUnee's

This is too funny to miss, or as your Old Uncle spells it, too FUnee, to pass up
This may NOT be the one to watch at work, Uncle says it's quite UN-PC.
Uncle Fu


blue said...

just to cool

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

Great one, Steve!
Except they forgot one:

BOW said...

A real one I saw yesterday:


I couldn't believe it myself

Schteveo said...

It left out several of my favorites too.



and one of my ALL TIME favorites

Ta'Keela LaSanya

(the last one was a young AA girl, who was a patient in the dental practice where my mother was the office manager....we always assumed that mom and dad had Italian food for dinner and then hit the local college cantina, on the night this kid was conceived)(or they were just ex-ghettoites, with money, but no good sense)

Spider said...

What really makes this so funny is that it's true! How do they come up with these names? Whatever happened to Ty-rone, Rufus, and Ernestine?