Is government regulation of the internet on it's way? And if it is, how many minutes after the ink dries do you think we'll be seeing an internet tax?
It's no secret that the insatiably greedy crooks in DC have been salivating over the idea of somehow getting control of the internet. Their main objective is of course, the ability to tax it. When there's the scent of fresh money in the air, these lying crooks would make a Grizzly, (who's sense of smell is 1500 times greater than ours) look like an amateur. And what other thing makes them salivate almost as much as money? CONTROL! The ability to determine what we see and hear.
At this point, one might say, "well, with the Repubs now in control of the House, this probably won't happen". That might be right except for the fact that the Marxist in the Oval Office doesn't bother asking congress for their approval. They just hand him a pen, and he does what he wants, and his hand-picked congress went along. Let's just hope things start to change...
And you're expecting the Tea Party Republicans, who depended on an OPEN internet to get elected, to let some life long bureauc-RAT take that away from them? Not seeing it.
It's what they want, but getting it through the House will be a no go. Ramming it past the House won't work now either. A Presidential edict demanding it will ensure conservatives retaking the country for decades.
And they'd undo all that happy Obama horseshit we've seen in the last 20 months.
Keep in mind that the majority of people in the WH, the one's actually carrying out his policies, were picked by Obummer without Congressional approval or even consideration. One would assume the new House will no longer allow that, which is obviously why things like this are being rushed through. Of course, once in power, the Repubs can always cut off funding which may be exactly what they'll have to do. We'll see.
I expect nothing. That way I'm less likely to be disappointed.
The newly elected republican majority is starting to show their true colours, I am thinking the criminal activity is going to continue. Bern-yank-me is still pushing QE2 which will finish off our economy and leave a non government entity financialy in control. Harry Reid who now thinks he is invincible is starting his SEIU paybacks, and it is coming out that the Government gave EVERYBODY freakin money except US taxpayers. The whole lot of non-representing representatives need to be tried for treason and shot on the capital stairway (for saying that I will now be investigated by TSA and placed on the uber super terror no fly list) and there heads put on pikes on the 14th street bridge. The Messiah is now just legislating by presidential directive whether it is legal or not.All I can say that people are not going to take this shit much longer, I know I am not.
Remember that old shortwave in your daddy's attic? Does that CB still work in the '72 Dodge on blocks in the backyard?
Ya got yer ears on good buddy?
Radio Free USA may be coming.
You youngsters may not have a clue what I'm talking about.
But thanks to the greatest gun salesman the free world has ever known (Obama) we are more ready for the inevitable than we've been in 235 years.
10-4, Elinor. What's your 20?
Standing-by good buddy...
I got you 10 by 10 over here pard, that's the Mad Dog comin' back atcha!!
I've got two nice Midland jobs, with weather radio on both, AND my GMRS 4 radios with weather radio, and my 4 FMRS radios, and beans and bullets. Storing food for months, got 2 seasons worth of non-hybrid, heirloom seeds, we're planning on buying the 3/4 are next door to have for growing food & animals, got my survival / gardening / country living / living off the land books all around, got lots of hand tools, planning a forge and looking for old leaf springs for making tools and knives.
I'm not happy about doing all this, but I'm prepared, physically and mentally. And God will see some of us through and others will NOT make it. Good people who would not listen will be lost, bad people will survive because they will be willing to kill to eat. For them, I have rope!
(this is weird, Glenn Beck just started talking about getting ham radios and food storage, says he's moving to TX...11:15 EST anyone here a ham operator now?)
"Do you think that about 230 years ago anyone would have been able to convince the writers of our constitution that someday the document they were preparing would be interpreted to allow the federal government in Washington to tell a school in South Dakota that they could not sell cupcakes to fund a school dance?"
-- Neal Boortz
"No fucking way!!"
getting a ham operators licsence (sp) is easier since 9/11. you don't have to do 30 letters per minute in dah dah dits and spend your first year talking via morse.
highly recommend it to everyone.
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