Monday, December 19, 2011

Blue Predicts

Blue's predictions for the November elections are:

Democrat - Obama/ Hillary
Republican - Romney/ Condi Rice
3rd party - Ron Paul/ Bachmann

the 3rd party will pull enough votes away from the Republicans that the Stuttering Clusterfuck Of A Miserable Failure will be reelected.......


Spider said...

I hate to say this but, you just might be right.

regularguy said...

Sounds reasonable. God, I hope you're wrong.

Ru Paul said...

Not a chance Blew. Ru Paul gets his nuts kicked by Florida and Bachman tell him to suk a loaf.

Newt gets the nomination and devastates Obama so badly in the first dabate that the 1st Muslim doesn't even show up for the second debate. Massive win for Newt and congress. Budget balances in 3 years, Obama catches Denge Fever in Kenya from a crack pipe and the world is minus one Marxist - Muslim.

Exlax dude, don't listen to Blew, He's really Axelrod in disguise.

Santa Poot said...

Check out the kids crazy doctor:

Schteveo said...

We might see a 3rd Party run, but it won't be RP. He's smart enough to KNOW how that will end.

Your 3rd Party candidate will be Newt Gingrich. He's NOT smart enough to see it, he's got "I can't lose", in his voice and he's got no clue what the term conservative MEANS any more.

I am continuing, as I have done for months, to buy beans and bullets!

Spider said...

Not Newt and not Paul? What if all this fighting and confusion on the part of Repubs was simply part of a strategy to throw the Demoncrats off? Could they be that smart? Might there be a wild card waiting in the wings? Hmmm...

stinkinrottenkid said...

My earlier 2 comments seem to have disappeared once again. hmmm

stinkinrottenkid said...

to summarize I think the top spot will be one of the current frontrunners, Newt or Romney with the second position going to Christie or Pawlenty.

regularguy said...

SRK-second spot gotta go to Rubio. Makes perfect sense. Especially if
Romney gets the #1.

BOW said...

In some precincts 5 out of every 4 people will still vote for Obama!

blue said...

VP will be Condi Rice, she brings foreign policy experience and I want to call my liberal friends racist & sexist for not voting for her

alan said...

Blue, I love your comment just above.


srk said...

Nothing in politics ever makes sense

srk said...

Some jerks have way too much time on their hands. Click my name for this "newsworthy" story

Of course this is Frisco....