Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Times Magazine does it Again!!!

In the past, Time Magazine has picked some real 'winners' as their Man / Woman / Person / Object of the year. We've had such luminaries as Hitler, Stalin, Ayatollah know, important people.
Well, justifiably that has changed over the years. It was originally a person who had made some major difference in the world. And those I noted certainly qualify on that front. But now, they've 'pushed' their choice, IMHO.
Time's Person of the Year, 2011 is...

Once upon a time, when major news events were chronicled strictly by professionals and printed on paper or transmitted through the air by the few for the masses, protesters were prime makers of history. Back then, when citizen multitudes took to the streets without weapons to declare themselves opposed, it was the very definition of news — vivid, important, often consequential. In the 1960s in America they marched for civil rights and against the Vietnam War; in the '70s, they rose up in Iran and Portugal; in the '80s, they spoke out against nuclear weapons in the U.S. and Europe, against Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, against communist tyranny in Tiananmen Square and Eastern Europe. Protest was the natural continuation of politics by other means.

Massive and effective street protest" was a global oxymoron until — suddenly, shockingly — starting exactly a year ago, it became the defining trope of our times. And the protester once again became a maker of history.

I get it. Most of the 'journalists' in America identify with the left, they see the protesters as little journalists in training, they despise the power structure and want the world to be 'level' for everyone.
And monkeys might fly outta my butt too!
You want to see open and level? Send your resume to Time and tell them you're a journalist based on your two years on the college newspaper and 3 years blogging here. You won't even get an 'FO' Letter. Because THEY have power structure in their industry (like all industries) that keeps YOU out unless you meet THEIR internal standards. Plus, in journalism, the BIG story of the new decade has been the demise of newspapers.
And those papers are dying because they aren't making money. They are cutting back, slowing down, tightening up because money is in short supply. And what are the 'protestors' protesting? They are protesting because their governments are cutting back, slowing down, tightening up because money is in short supply.
Is it that the 'journalists' at Time don't get the similarity? Or, is it, that they get it, but they're too gutless to protest and strike at their bosses office?


srk said...

It's not like it's a Nobel Prize.....

Spider said...

And that's not to mention all the on-air MSM talking heads who make millions a year. You see anybody protesting them for being part of the 1%?

Schteveo said...

No srk it's not. But to elevate these worms to level of Winston Churchill or Gen George Marshall seems like a huge EFFING stretch too me.

I looked the list before I wrote his, It's getting to be more and more who they think might possibly be important SOON. That's NOT how it used to be. It was who IS doing something now, good, bad or otherwise. That's how Hitler and Stalin got in. Not good guys but THEY were making historic choices that affected everyone. The protestors are not of that measure.

The protestors are doing the same thing now they did in Wal-Mart at 6 years old, when mommy wouldn't get them new Pokemon Cards. They throwing a tantrum.

I'm sorry but pitching a fit over what you 'deserve', set against being the mass murderer of 6 million or 25 million or 40 million human beings or formulating the plan to rebuild Europe AFTER those maniacs killed all those people just doesn't measure up for ME.

Hell, give it Obama for DESTROYING America! That's a change.. It's a Hitler / Stalin change, but it's a change.


you see it like I do!

How TF these people see George Soros or Obama or Reid, Pelosi, AL freakin' GORE, et al, as their savior(s) is beyond me. How is a RICH Republican a problem, but a RICHER Democrat is a great guy? What did I miss?

And if I hear ONE MORE talking head on TV (who, as you said. makes 2 MIL a year) talk about MONEY being the root of ALL EVIL, I swear to you here and now, I'll strip naked, smear myself with bacon grease, climb up a tower, set my hair on fire, and start thinning out a faculty parking lot!!

The correct quote is, (1 Tim 6:10 for anyone who cares)
"For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs."
Notice dear readers, that it says,
"..A root of...",
not as in the King James version,
"...THE root of..."
Modern translators, I'm told by friends who can read Aramaic and Ancient Greek, modern translators have returned to a broader translation than the KJ translators used. Perhaps King James wanted people to give him their money more easily? But I digress.

There are many decent, hard working, wealthy charitable people. I'm no fan, but Warren Buffet and Bill Gates are GIVING away half their fortunes. Where's Babs Streisand, George Clooney or Susan Sarandon, FatAss Michael Moore or OPRAH!! Hell Oprah turned DOWN Buffet!! She simply can't get by with $700 million, she needs the full $1.4 BILLION to make ends meet!

I'll respect the protestors and believe the hype when Green Peace s picketing Al Gores TN home as it spews $2500 of power per month. I'll respect the protestors and believe the hype when they go after Oprah or Rosie O'Homo, or Babs.

These guys are supposed to be about fair and level. Where were they when Streisand was running people off HER section of CA beach? Her beach? Hey, that's odd. How can it be HER beach when NO ONE owns the beach front, in CA it's a state resource.

Again, Spider sees it as I do, I think. Once again, they are picking and choosing WHO the bad guys are based on HOW that particular person votes. Yeah fair and level. To paraphrase Obi Wan Kenobi.

"...this is NOT the Person of the Year you were looking for...".

Spider said...

Stevie, you know as well as i do, leftists see and hear only what they want to see and hear. They have the mysterious ability to turn illusions and lies into facts. The useful idiots, or protesters as you call them, are out there proving it every day.

I once read that a truly blind person is not one who can not see, but one who refuses to see. That should be one of the left's motto's, along with, "do as we say, not as we do".

As for mullah Obummer, he's just riding the wave and hoping people won't realize that every single word he's said in his entire political career has been, and continues to be, a lie. Or, until Soros tells him different.

Keep your guns cleaned and loaded!

Schteveo said...

Locked and loaded bro.

Schteveo said...

...well, here we are again, 3 old guys talking to each other.

(I guess it could be worse, I could be talking to just MYSELF!)

regularguy said...

TIME has devolved into nothing more than a left wing propaganda rag over the years. I subscribed for over 20 years and couldn't take it anymore.
Don't forget,in 2010's year in review issue, the TEA Party was not even mentioned. Pretty much says it all right there.

srk said...

My reference to the Nobel Prize was a jab at the one Obama received for doing nothing.