Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Chemicals that eased global woe worsen another

This is not the funny kind of irony: Scientists say the chemicals that helped solve the last global environmental crisis -- the hole in the ozone layer -- are making the current one worse.

The chemicals, called hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), were introduced widely in the 1990s to replace ozone-depleting gases used in air conditioners, refrigerators and insulating foam.

They worked: The earth's protective shield seems to be recovering.

But researchers say what's good for ozone is bad for climate change. In the atmosphere, these replacement chemicals act like "super" greenhouse gases, with a heat-trapping power that can be 4,470 times that of carbon dioxide.

Now, scientists say, the world must find replacements for the replacements -- or these super-emissions could cancel out other efforts to stop global warming.

Really? Was there ever a hole in the ozone? 4,470 times carbon dioxide? Does that mean cars don't pollute? Replacements for the replacements? How about some of that Whoopee-sh*t??


Schteveo said...

So are you telling me, that the GOVERNMENT ORDERED cure was worse then the original problem? I'm doubtful.

(tongue / cheek, you know the drill)

Spider said...

Ever notice how many things the Leftist EnviroNazi's forced us to do years ago, are now found to be bad and even dangerous? Remember when they forced us to switch from glass bottles to plastic to "save the planet"? Then we found out that plastic takes centuries to degarde, but glass can be recycled forever. Now plastic bags are the new enemy!

Have we caught-on yet that it's the EnviroNazi psychos and their unfounded, and untrue bullshit that are truly dangerous to the environment? No, because we're a lot dumber than they are!

Schteveo said...

I think we should recycle and / or compost all the liberals. Isn't that what you do with worthless turds to make them useful in a "green" world?

S*R*K said...

an it bee dun on da cheep wid dem lininn derr poquets

Jimbo said...

Remember DDT?

There is no limit to the number of people liberals will let die (kill) to achieve their idealistic state of "balance"... The first thing they have to do is kill everyone but themselves. If you don't think like them or toe their line, you must be a "Jew".