Sunday, August 16, 2009

Obama only wants a victory

OK, kid-lings, Obama now sez he only wants a victory in health care during his first term...he could care less whether or not his "victory" actually helps the uninsured.........imagine my surprise!!!!

click my victory at any cost

".......a sign that Democrats want a compromise so they can declare a victory."


Schteveo said...

Here's the problem Senor Verde,

"Bowing to Republican pressure, President Barack Obama's administration signaled..."

He thinks, as do the idiots in the MSM, that it's REPUBLICANS who object to this crappy plan. Last time I saw the polls, regardless of who ran it, there were 80% to 90% o voting aged folks against this thing. If that's REPUBLICANS, then BOHICA would still be a Senator.

They just don't get it.

Unknown said...

Sebelius: "you don't turn over the whole new marketplace to private insurance companies and trust them to do the right thing."

How about "you don't turn the whole new marketplace over to the government and trust them to do a damn thing right"!

Sebelius: "We wanted to make sure doctors were reimbursed for that very important consultation (end-of-life counseling) if family members chose to make it, and instead it's been turned into this scare tactic and probably will be off the table,"

Assisted death (murder) a scare tactic? Silly girl.

Schteveo said...

Welcome to the fray Greg.

I'm for assisted suicide.

It's an individual person's choice that opposing Doctors, opposing gub'ment officials or any other opponents should NOT get to vote on. In 1990, I saw my Mother-in-Law and my Sister both die from breast cancer. At the point where they knew they were terminal, that if a new miracle drug comes out today, they were still going to die, I feel certain one or both would have exited earlier. Most times it's about time anyway, nay sayers should NOT get to tell the terminally ill,

"...shut up, lay there, take some more pain meds and be thankful you lived another day".

The un-affected should not get a vote. Having said that, the opposite is true. If you want to fight to the last breath, Obma, nor any gub'ment entity should be able to say,

"...OK, Greg, that's it, pack it in, call the wife and kids, tell them Tuesday at 4:31, Daddy is checking out. The Great and Powerful OzBama Has Spoken!!"

See, that's pure BS.

Here's what I find odd. Liberals think it's OK to cut off help to "non-deserving or hopeless cases". It's OK to do late term, mid-term, or early-term abortions. But they don't want to use the death penalty on someone who rapes, murders, pillages or any combination thereof.

Spider said...

If Odumbo and his congress were truly concerned with healthcare, they would have had a solid, sane, rational plan in place to present to the American people. They didn't. They don't. Reason? It was never really about healthcare, other than a "massive" increase in Medicaid benefits, (which is a major part of the plan) and we all know where most of those go.

The fact that Odumbo and the Demoncrats are now willing to settle for much less, thanks to the surprise backlash from "the mobs" of American tax payers who are totally fed-up, proves all they care about is a political victory, so they'll be able to wave it like a flag in 2010 and '12.

Anonymous said...


" We've put our economy, our security ... our very lives ... into the hands of a group of men and women who have shown no particular skill beyond their ability to please (their) constituents through the expenditure of money seized from the private sector. They produce nothing of value, nor do they demonstrate any particular skill other than pandering to voters. They loot from the productive to buy votes from the moocher class. If you had your entire financial future invested in the stock of one business, how well would sleep at night knowing that Barack Obama, Barney Frank, Henry Waxman, Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters were running that business? Their very survivability depends on their ability to use force to achieve their goals."
– Neal Boortz

Bill O'Writes said...

Obama wants to repackage and rename the takeover of healthcare, along with the entire economy. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, I suggest you're dealing with a duck.

stinkin rotten kid said...

And hide your beagle, Vick's an Eagle

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

Hey Steve.... It was me who posted as "Greg". Didn't realize Greg (Mr. Bug) was signed on to his gmail when I posted.

Anonymous said...

Luxury cars are soon to be a thing of the past. They have always been beyond my means but I took out a luxury car last week, just to drive that sucker.

The salesman sat in the back seat describing the car and options. The seats were of particular interest. He explained the seats directed warm air to your butt during the winter and directed cool air to your butt in the summer heat.

I stated the car must be a Republican car.

He asked why I thought it was a Republican car, and I explained if it were a Democratic car the seats would blow smoke up your ass year 'round.

S. FingaPoot said...

eat me?

Anonymous said...

Have you become an introvert lately?

srk said...

introvert, pervert....what's the difference?