Friday, August 6, 2010

How Liberals 'Evolved'

Now we know...
Scientists find sea sponges share human genes

Mankind may be descended from apes but Australian scientists have found proof of links much closer to the sea floor, with a study revealing that sea sponges share almost 70 percent of human genes.

I always considered liberals to be leaches - but a sponge explains a lot, too.


"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

Sponges live all over the world.

Other than that, I don't know what else we can possibly share except the fact that I've used sponges before. They tend to suck up anything in any environment you put them in.

Anonymous said...

And they keep you from getting pregnant!

Dr. No said...


Achieved through manipulative tax policies and coercive regulations, this Nanny State scheme's goal is a docile, easily-subjugated populace..

Schteveo said...

Here's what sucks, if you chop them up, you get lots of new little sponges!

BOW said...

That's not a new discovery. It's been known for decades. More evidence for evolution.

alan said...

Here's a thought.....

If I remember my high school biology correctly....there are exactly 4 components to DNA. The sequence determines what it actually becomes.

With that in mind, we share 100% of the DNA components of every living creature on the earth!!!!!

Evolution proved!!!!

On the other hand, a good cook can make a lot of different and really tasty dishes out of the same components. A bad cook can turn those same components into multiple piles of yucky guck.

I would venture to say that God is a really good cook and had plenty of time to experiment during the 6 times periods of creation.