Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Why there shouldn't be a mosque at Ground Zero:


Anonymous said...


The greatest invention in human history, it liberates us from the annoying sounds that accompany compelling boob tube images. Tragically, it doesn’t work on a Dumbo-eared, teleprompter loving, jackass who is in love with the sound of his own voice.

Schteveo said...

But he's obviously a racist. Look at the Confederate Battle Flag on his window!!

(and where can I get this art work set?)

Spider said...

Why shouldn't there be a mosque at Ground Zero? For the same reason there shouldn't be, nor is there, a monument to the Japanese army at Pearl Harbor. While building one may be legal, it's just wrong, and any sane, rational person knows it. Of course, you won't find many elitist, leftist intellectuals in that group. So why are there some notable people supporting it? IMO, that depends on who they are.

Mullah Obummer: It's a great opportunity for the Marxist-in-Chief to show his fellow Mooselambs that no matter what, he's still one of them.

Mayor Bloomberg: As for NYC's limp-wristed, multi-Billionaire, Fascist "king", it's really about money and ideology. "His Majesty" is obsessed with generating revenue any way he can. To him, the mosque represents millions in taxes. As for his "true" ideology, it is ultra-liberal. In spite of the many political disguises he wears, he IS a hard-core, life-long, liberal Demoncrat.

Local Manhattan Community Board: These are the people who gave the original ok for this mosque, and who still support it. Generally speaking, these are some of the most Leftist people in the country. Rarely will they miss the chance to engage in a "feel good" project like this mosque. I guess it helps alleviate the inbred guilt they carry with them, or so they think. Also, the mosque is a direct slap-in-the-face to America, another one of their favorite things to do.

As for the MSM, they seem to be a bit confused. They're not sure which way to go, so they're simply doing what they always do. Milk the story dry and see which way the winds blow.