Monday, May 24, 2010

Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid.

Afraid of what? Afraid of where our country is being taken. Last Saturday, the Marxist in Chief gave a speech to the graduating class at West Point. According to reports, it was one of the few times in recent memory that a presidential speech received such a tepid reception. Why would the famously patriotic cadets act that way? Maybe it's because Obummer pretty much told them that in "his vision of America", fighting soldiers will no longer be needed. All we'll need are talkers and political hacks. The commie in the Oval Office is getting us into some "very" deep water.

Obama told West Point's Class of 2010 that he sees them not battling our enemies but "combating a changing climate, sustaining global growth, and helping countries feed themselves, even as their citizens achieve their [universal rights]"

I'm sure those future warriors, all of whom will soon be going into combat, were thrilled to hear their "leader" tell them they're no longer needed. I'm also sure our enemies around the world were applauding loudly, since it means they have nothing to fear from us no matter what they do. This was the worst possible message to send at a time when we're fighting two wars, on two different fronts. Military historians and strategists will tell you that's not a smart idea. In WWII, the German army, possibly the best mechanized army ever assembled, was defeated mainly because their psycho leader insisted they simultaneously fight on two fronts. As Gen. George Patton said, it was their doom.

There is nothing that incites aggression faster than obvious weakness, unless it's a combination of weakness, incompetence, zero experience, and a stary-eyed Leftists view of the real world. North Korea's "open and obvious act of war" last week was not done to test S. Korea. It was done to test us, and because of the "community organizers" response, we failed the test. Do you know what happens when you show an aggressive dog fear? He bites you!


srk said...

I slipped into the Universe where Mr Spock has a beard

Anonymous said...

American president?

Obama skipping Memorial Day ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery. 'He'll be on vacation in Chicago'...

Jimbo said...

I heard a splash of the Teleprompter-in-Chief's West Point lies.

It is one of the first times I've heard King Zero use the pronoun "we".

He lied something like (very paraphrased) "We have a hard road ahead but we will accomplish our mission."

I thought I was going to puke. What a ridiculous thing for a lazy little skinny hate-America foreign boy (whose finger nails have never been dirty) to say to a class of America's protectors.

Zero can kiss my ass.

Spider said...

Since he was only there for the photo op, you can bet they'll show that phony speech when he runs in 2012.

alan said...

I wonder if AFA and Annapolis will withdraw their invitations in the next to years?

Wouldn't that be a hoot, for an academy to request that the Pres. not deliver an address.

Aaaah. sweet fanatasies, flowers blooming, the air is crips....and a smile crosses my face.