Sunday, September 19, 2010

Guard The Change?

I wonder what the Marxist-in-Chief meant by that remark made to members of the Congressional Black Crooks. Was he telling them to protect all the goodies ($$) he's been funneling into the black community? Was this a message to black America saying that now that we have the keys to America's cash register, we ain't given 'em back? He knows that generally speaking, and for many blacks, anytime the govt. gives them something in an effort to help, that help instantly becomes a "right", one that they'll demand continue and in fact, increase. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of endless, limitless govt. programs, (welfare, food stamps, day-care, etc.) now in effect that prove this point. Is this what he meant when he said he "would unite the country", or was that simply another one of the lies he told during his campaign? In fact, i can't remember another president who worked so hard at dividing the country and deliberately creating racial animosity simply for political gain. One would almost think that he's not aware of the fact that blacks make up only about 12-14% of the population. Is he thinking that will be enough to get him re-elected, even with the MSM creating the illusion that the 12-14% is more like 60-70%? Was/is his goal to be the leader of America, or the leader of black America? To many millions, the answer is becoming more obvious each day.

When you listen to this phony and his worshipers on the Left and in the MSM, (and their numbers are dwindling) you get the impression he's been able to solve all of the worlds problems, while walking on water. In fact, he's actually done almost nothing, unless you count destroying America by taking the wealth from those who earn it, and giving it to those who simply want it as an achievement. In that case he's done a whole lot. Oh, i almost forgot. He's also managed to take a whole bunch of "very expensive" vacations, all paid for by the sheeple...

1 comment:

Schteveo said...

His goal is to make rich / middle-class white / working / home owning non-black America pay for their (perceived) slights OF black America. (brown and yellow people can latch on, if they are willing to be 2nd) (again) Nothing more, nothing less. His Marxist rhetoric is just the system to achieve that goal.

If he'd had the ability, he would have removed all the current white CEOs with black people, just to prove that anyone can do it, if given the chance. Nobody would have stood by for that. So, instead, he's destroying what white America has, so we can all start over from the bottom in a few years.

But he's just the face of stupidity. The leading stupids are people like Soros, Pelosi, Reid, Deaddy Kennedy. Ospenda is their "Ronald McDonald". or "Colonel Sanders". Every good campaign neeeds a mascot. He was perfect. Not quite black, not quite white, from a broken home, absentee dad, liberal grandparents, he IS America in the minds of liberals. He's really just Forrest Gump. He was just running through the football field of politics when he got noticed. Michelle yelled, "RUN Barry!!", so he did.

I predict that he'll be taken out of office after one term and that some grass roots organization will stop this foolishness. They'll boot out Pelosi and Reid too. It will be a middle-America, smaller gub'ment, get out of our pickets and homes group comprised of voters from both sides of the aisle. If only someone would start such an organization!

It could be like the Boston Tea Party.

Oh, and he's still an idiot.