Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Freedom of The Press? Well, Maybe

Anyone who is honest and has an open mind knows that if there's one word that appropriately describes the overwhelming majority of the media, that word is, "biased". In fact, most would say, "highly biased", referring to the MSM's open support of, and collusion with, the Left. Yet, here we see a radical Left-wing, Marxist administration calling a newspaper biased! What could have caused that? Ironically, it was caused by, freedom of the press! This paper dared to think it was free to print what it wanted.

It seems the Marxist-in-Chief doesn't appreciate any part of the media liking, or giving notice to, anyone but HIM, especially since he's in full campaign mode. Comrade Obummer apparently feels someone who "may be" running against him is not entitled to the same media exposure, or any exposure, as he is. And, as in this case, if some newspaper should dare take notice of a political opponent, than there will be "an official" price to pay. One would think that the entire MSM would be up-in-arms over this assault on their freedom. But watching several morning news shows today, i heard not one word about it. Of course, had it been one of the left-wing papers involved, we would be plastered with the coverage. Biased? Hmmm...


Schteveo said...

"...saying pool reporters are chosen based on whether they cover the news “fairly.”

That SHOULD BE the scariest thing ever said to a newspaper. And ALL the other newspapers need to be running said quote a screaming at the WH! But the stupid a$$holes NEVER consider that they could be next.

Stupid, very stupid.

And AGAIN, it's 'Atlas Shrugged' time!!

Spider said...

The other papers aren't concerned since they know this administration won't pick on them. And, if by some chance a Republican should be in the WH in 2012, well, they already know he won't have the balls to pick on them.

What the WH is doing is in fact, open censorship.

Anonymous said...

"it's as if they are in the room with a monarch and they have to wait to be recognized by the president,"