Sunday, May 22, 2011

Last Commie Standing

Okay, so there will be plenty more before the US is the last commie country. Here is something that is ignored by the MSM:

I guess the Spanish have had enough.


Schteveo said...

Of course the obvious difference in the Egyptians and the Spaniards is that the maroons in Spain ELECTED their tormenters.

But it's NOT being reported here either that's for sure!

stinkinrottenkid said...

I particularly like these 2 sentences:

"The protest movement has been declared illegal by the government, over fears it may influence the result of the elections. The traditional media is allegedly under-covering the story."

Spider said...

It all sounds familiar, doesn't it. Except here, it's all happening on a much larger scale. And here, the people are too weak and too dumb to protest what the govt. has done, is doing, and will do, to us. It turns out that the old phrase, "the dumbing down of America" wasn't just a phrase, but a very deliberate and highly-orchestrated plan that has worked better than it's communist creators could have wished for.

In spite of what some of us would hope for, and unlike what radical leftists routinely do, you will not see masses of average Americans take to the streets in violent protest no matter what the govt. does to them, because, as we're always told, "we're a nation of laws". In other words, shut up fools and just keep paying the bills.

As for the unrest in the middle east and elsewhere, i personally don't buy the excuse that it's all about a desire for freedom and democracy. Oh sure, some of the protestors may want those things, or they've been told they want those things, but there are (IMO) powerful forces behind these uprisings, and they're not forces interested in democracy or freedom.

I wonder if it's simply a coincidence that at the same time the middle east decides to explode, we have a Marxist, pro-Mooselamb administration in power that has kicked all our historic alies to the curb. Hmm...

Anonymous said...

"When you have made evil the means of survival, do not expect men to remain good. Do not expect them to stay moral and lose their lives for the purpose of becoming the fodder of the immoral. Do not expect them to produce, when production is punished and looting rewarded..." –-Ayn Rand

Schteveo said...

Amen anon, Amen!!

I finished "Atlas Shrugged" yesterday. Had a (bad) all nighter Saturday, back and hips on fire. But, I read about 300 pages, right to the end of the story.

I'm torn on whether we'll go the way her characters. On the other hand, I think MANY of us are pretty close to forcing the issues. But I see So much of that story happening right in front of us that it's scary.

Semi-On Topic:

Anyone got an opinion of Herman Cain? From what I can find, he's a good prospect. My favorite line this far is him telling a group.

"...people say I'm can't be President because I've never been elected to office before. Well everybody in D.C. has been elected before. How's THAT workin' or ya'!"

And I'll tell you something else I like. Before I EVER saw him, I heard him on radio. I knew from his voice that he was black, and NOT from up North. Sure enough, he's from Memphis when I looked him up.

In obvious contrast to Obama, Cain has NOT tried to sound 'white' when he's in front of white people. Nor does he pour on the 'minority speak' when the crowd is NOT white! Which seems to me to speak to of being genuine that we rarely see in a dog catcher candidate, much less someone looking to be POTUS.

He had, I think some great answers for Chris Wallace yesterday too of Wallace Sunday Morning show.

AND he's a Fair Tax supporter. Unless someone comes along who can catch a speeding bullet, I think Cain is a go for me.