Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A picture's worth

Guide to Protestors


BOW said...

A major terror plot by the Iranians to bomb the Saudi and Israeli embassies in Washington, DC as well as to assassinate the Ambassador from Saudi Arabia has been thwarted

Schteveo said...

I believe that he's got the flavor of it alright.

no way, they'd never do that. Save any Israeli Embassies I mean.

Spider said...

Had it not been for GWB, a brain-dead, incompetent clown, Iran would be gone now, and the world would have far, far, less terrorism. Instead, we attacked Iraq, a country that had nothing to do with 9-11. We then spent hundreds-of-Billions fighting there, wasted the very valuable lives of our warriors, and have done little more than create more Mooselamb terrorists. And just what did we get in return? We just never learn.

Anonymous said...


The 'welcome home' present you give your friend, relative, or neighbor the instant he, she, heshe or it returns from the "Occupy Wall Street" front lines, reeking of 1960s hippie.

Schteveo said...

OK, let me go through this. AGAIN!!

Those Wall Street people are NOT 1960's hippies. Those idiots are 1960's RADICALS.

If you go back and look at the '60s hippies they had long hair and wore crazy, colorful clothes and smoked a lot of weed. Most of them moved on, kept their ideals and want(ed) to be left the hell alone. ALL the old hippies I know, got(mostly blue color)jobs, had families, started or bought businesses or land / farms. They (we) are still out here, living quietly and splitting most votes.

If you go back and look at the '60s radicals they had just barely long hair and wore copies of their professors Beat Generation clothes, smoked a lot of tobacco and weed. Most of them continue on to this day as radicals, kept their ideals and want(ed) to run the world because they ARE (BS) smarter than the rest of us. ALL the old radicals I know, got BS jobs as community organizers, government types handing out money, food or laws, had 2 or 3 families they don't support, and generally still think they are smarter than everyone who isn't in their clique. They (we) are still out here, living on Wall Street, and college campuses worldwide pushing for totalitarianism, voting for the most radical side of every issue.


Schteveo said...

strike that last 'WE', I am not radical except when handling automatic weapons. I tend to spray instead of aiming!

BOW said...

Basically, what Steve is saying, and for the most part with my experiences I tend to agree with, is that there is no comparison. If anything the Tea party is more likely comprised of many of these hippies from the 60's, at least the ones who survived. We had more than an unpopular war. We had a war we had no business, no interest whatsoever in. Kennedy and Johnson, two "democrats" got us involved and escalated it. We had a draft to go to that hell hole. We had great music. What you have now, by way of these "protesters" is completely different in every way. What we had then was a struggle for equality. What we have now is class warfare, demands for the absurd, and beyond.

Spider said...

I really doubt any of the protestors were even born in the 60's. They are part of todays radical Left, not the left of the 60's. They spew the same crap anyone who reads Marx and Lenin can spew.

But IMO, this "seemingly" aimless rabble is being driven (used) by a mind with a plan. There's a very definite purpose behind these protests, and i don't think it has anything to do with what these cretins are claiming. It's already been stated that several Soros-funded groups are involved and supplying them with food, money, etc. And perhaps, ideas?

Anonymous said...

A word to the wise?

"European countries are giving or loaning Greece money to cover its deficit on the condition that Greece cut back on its welfare. But the citizens of Greece regard that welfare as a right and are rioting in the streets in protest. Several other European countries evidently are approaching the same crisis. The United States is not yet in crisis, but it has a one and a half trillion-dollar deficit (the government is borrowing 40¢ for every dollar it spends), a difference that cannot be sustained over time any more than Greece's could be sustained. There does not seem to be any other end to this process than some form of dictatorship. You cannot cut welfare as long as there are popular elections, so in the name of the country's survival, popular elections will be first suspended, then suspended indefinitely. The United States will be the last to stumble down this road, but this is clearly the course we are on." –- Northrup Buechner

c1917 said...


Schteveo said...

Don't kid yourself Anon, it's headed our way too.