Sunday, October 2, 2011

Why wouldn't this work NATIONWIDE?

Illegal Immigration Crackdown Law Has Hispanic Students Disappearing From Alabama Schools

Hispanic students have started vanishing from Alabama public schools in the wake of a court ruling that upheld the state’s tough new law cracking down on illegal immigration.

Education officials say scores of immigrant families have withdrawn their children from classes or kept them home this week, afraid that sending the kids to school would draw attention from authorities.

There are no precise statewide numbers. But several districts with large immigrant enrollments — from small towns to large urban districts — reported a sudden exodus of children from Hispanic families, some of whom told officials they would leave the state to avoid trouble with the law, which requires schools to check students’ immigration status.

The anxiety has become so intense that the superintendent in one of the state’s largest cities, Huntsville, went on a Spanish-language television show Thursday to try to calm worried parents.

“In the case of this law, our students do not have anything to fear,” Casey Wardynski said in halting Spanish. He urged families to send students to class and explained that the state is only trying to compile statistics.

Police, he insisted, were not getting involved in schools.

In Montgomery County, more than 200 Hispanic students were absent the morning after the judge’s ruling, and a handful have withdrawn. In tiny Albertville, 35 students withdrew from school in one day. About 20 students either withdrew or told teachers they were leaving in Shelby County, in suburban Birmingham.

Why wouldn't this work EVERYWHERE? It works where it's placed into law. Arizona and Alabama are proof. Furthermore, I used to do a lot of business in Albertville, and if you think YOU are pissed off about Hispanic illegal aliens, you should talk to Hispanic LEGAL aliens.



blue said...

gee thanks Alabama, now they will end up in southern California.....

Spider said...

The simple answer is, it would work in other places (if) the govt. wanted it to work. Clearly, they do not want it to work because it would endanger millions of potential votes.

As i've always said, whether it's illegal immigration, the 2nd Amendment, gay marriage, etc., the Left never stops pushing it's political agenda. Never! That's one of the reasons they win far more battles than we do. Of course, having the MSM and many of the courts on your side doesn't exactly hurt your cause.

Schteveo said...

Yeah, having the loudest voice and final decision makers in your corner can't hurt.

It's OK, we've got most of the guns!