Thursday, October 29, 2009

Has His Time Come?

Early last year, Annie, our MIA founder, was campaigning for Ron Paul, the "Republican" congressman from Mexas. At the time, i said that IMO, although i agreed with most of what he was saying, i felt he was a bit goofy, kind of tinfoil hat-ish. I was wrong! It turns out that it was the American people who were wearing the tinfoil hats, since they elected an outright Marxist to lead them into hell.

Since then, i have heard Paul speak on several occasions. He doesn't sound goofy any more! In fact, most of the things he was saying last year, and for years before that, have either come to pass or are about to. He warned us that we were headed into the dumper, and that's exactly where we are. The more i listen to him and read the things he writes, the more i realize he's the only honest politician we have!

Now there's talk that he may make another run for the WH in 2012, that is, assuming we still have "free" elections in 2012, and assuming we haven't been turned into some Maoist satellite by then.

So, what do ya'll think about Mr. Paul taking another shot? Do you think he's goofy? Do you feel he has a real chance? Do you think anyone on this planet could possibly make things worse than comrade Odumbo and his commie congress can/have/and will?


BOW said...

yup, welcome to the Libertarian Party

Schteveo said...

I was for Paul then, I'd go for him again.

It's questionable whether the Repugnant Party is willing to move BACK to the right, and support him though. Or to support anyone else that "far" to the right.

A Paul, Jindal, Palin, or some team of them has too little appeal (within the office at RNC) to get the initial backing needed to become a national name. They'd rather back some well known, stuffed shirt, lens louse, like McCain is / was.

Just forget that the polls are showing more than 40% of prospective voters are currently identifying themselves as conservatives, not moderates or even just Republicans. You can forget it, because Michael Steele, and his staff, is bound to. The nuts at RNC will be supporting the next milk toast(s) and McCain wanna be(s), undoubtedly.

God forbid that they become, again, the party of Ronald Reagan. Steele would rather have sitting officials and prospective officials offering "different" or "alternative" or "additional" bills about "X". What Reagan would have questioned, as do we, HOW and WHERE do they find the authority to bring up, or pass "X" bill.

Seems to me, I've heard both Jindal and Palin say just that. I'm in NC,I get more airtime here than Paul might, so if he's saying anything, I'm not hearing it.

He was actually here a while back, I heard about it two days later on TV when some idiot Lib was bitching about him stealing attendees from a local political event.

if the Libertarians would drop drug legalization from their platform, they could clean up with new members and candidates. But too many conservatives are against that kind of move.

I think they should do it, but I'm WAY in the minority with my views.

DavidL said...

+1 to Schteveo!

Ron Paul in 2012!!!

BOW said...

Drug legalization is an integral part of keep gov't off our backs. That said, it should not be at the forefront of the ideas. It's part of, leave me alone, if I kill myself (and no one else) leave me alone. As a doctor, I can prescibe anything, but my susbscription should only be my suggestion, based on my educating my patient to what I believe to be the course of treatment I would choose. But I shouldn't have exclusive access to anything that would make me a naany.

Poots'd do'er said...

Sarah Palin for first snatch.

Poots Fer Prez!!!!!! said...

Maybe I need to run again

Spider said...

I wouldn't count on the Republican party backing Paul. He's too tough and straight talking for them, and they already know he's not against taking pot shots at them too, and rightfully so. They have become the party of weaklings and losers. The Demoncrats have been handing them tons of ammo every day, and all they can do is make a few feeble statements for the cameras.

That means Paul would have to run on a third party ticket, and i don't think the American people have the mental capacity to deal with that, in spite of all that's being done to them.

Anonymous said...


"The midterm elections of 2010 may be our last chance to save this Republic. No .. .I'm serious. With the anti-capitalists we have running the show right now the time is short. It may be next year ... or never. Watch the Republicans though. Despite what's at stake, Republicans are going to engage the idiotic abortion litmus test. Candidates are going to be judged primarily on whether or not they want to use the police power of government to force women to continue with pregnancies they want to terminate. This one question will be the beginning and the end of all deliberations as to whether or not to support particular Republican candidates. Makes sense, doesn't it? The future of this country is at stake and these abortocentrists are going to be doing the work of the Democrat party. "
– Neal Boortz