Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Ach Tung!!!

Der Kommandant haz zumthin to announz:

Ve are vatching you! Unt you ve helt akkountable!

Ya vole!


Spider said...

One would think that there's more enough things going on within this administration to have the Republicans on the war path. In fact, had GWNitwit's administration done stuff like this, we would be well on our way to impeachment proceedings.

As i said a long time ago, this Marxist administration is doing so much damage, and burying so many of it's radical leftist operatives deep in the govt, that it won't matter who the next president and congress will be.

Schteveo said...

Director of Progressive Media & Online Response?

Titles like that remind me of the scene in 'History of the World: Part I', where Mel Brooks is at the Unemployment Office...

A person with a title like that is the same thing, IMO.