Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Could It Be?

Could this be true? Is this a sign that America is not completely dead? Apparently, there are still some real Americans left, besides us. These folks sound like they're ready to go to war with yo president Obomber! I just wonder what our fascist govt. will say about this.



BHO no comprende said...

America will not go to war with me! Remember that I have come to bring peace, not war.

Happy Cinco de Quattro!!!!!!!!

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

Discussion – Let us see what Obama does. If he hits Montana hard they will probably vote to secede from the USA. The governor of Texas has already been refusing Federal money because he does not want to agree to the conditions that go with it and he has been saying secession is a right they have as sort of a threat. Things are no longer the same with the USA. Do not be deceived by Obama acting as if all is the same, it is not.

I agree.
Let's discuss.

Left Coast Rebel said...

Way to go Montana, I live in the crazy Leninist CA and most here would gladly give up the right to bear arms. I am grateful that there are still states that take the Constitution seriously. I hope that this does come to a showdown, I know which side I will be on......

Anonymous said...

Discussing is how the Republicans got to where they are. It's time for action!

Jimbo said...

Texas and Montana should be a whole other country together.


We could charge people in Oklahoma, Colorado, & Wyoming a 'pleasure tax' for enjoying our company as we travel between North & South Texas.

We need Alaska, too. They have "area". (That's like 'gravitas' only bigger.)

Anonymous said...

...and here is a story from Georgia, that shows how useful a gun can be:


BOW said...

Going to Montana soon. Gonna be a dental floss tycoon. Raise 'em up, wax 'em down

Missy said...

Montana and Texas forming a new country? I think the world would soon be reminded of what American used to be with those 2 states joining! Watch out Mooslambs as you will be reminded what American strength really is without being held back by a liberal administration.

Anonymous said...

Have you been to Texas lately? It's already a new country. It's called Northern Mexico.

CTjayhawker said...

Montana is made of awesome!

Anonymous said...

Looks like Texas is going down the same road.

David L.


BOW said...

and Alaska