Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Surprise, Surprise

Well, it looks like yo president Yobama has made his choice for the SCOTUS. And, it comes as no surprise to some of us that he went for judge Sonia Sotomayor, "the most extreme" Leftist on his list. While Yobama's words have convinced the American people that he wants to govern from the center, his actions tell a very different story. But, the American people don't seem to care about actions. They prefer nice words.

Judge Sotomayor is a Puerto Rican from The Bronx, NY. She's considered "a left-wing judicial activist", and a judicial bulldozer. Even though the word of her pick was made public during this mornings news, some of the media maggots are already describing her as "a moderate", (she's about as moderate as Kim Jong Ill) and the first Hispanic on the court. (funny, i thought Benjamin Cardoza, a Spanish jew, was) But don't expect facts to get in the way of her appointment. With the death of the Republican party, there's no one to stop her. With our new one-party-rules-all system of government, it's a done deal. She's in!



Missy said...

but she's replacing Souter so its like an even switch

Spider said...

She will make Souter look like Jessie Helms!

Blue said...

“I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male...... ” said Judge Sotomayor......

racist, sexist & white male bashing, no wonder Obama choise her

Anonymous said...

(funny, i thought Benjamin Cardoza, a Spanish jew, was)Actually Cardozo was a half Portugese Jew.

Halvsies or partial don't count unless your name is Hussein Obama (or Tiger Woods).