Friday, June 12, 2009

What Kind Of People Are We?

It has long been my strongly held opinion that the most dangerous and destructive force we have to deal with in this country is not terrorism, but the MSM. It is the media that supplies the people with the overwhelming majority of the information they get. Is is the media that sets the tone for national discussions on major issues. It is the media that forms opinions, based on their own polls, which BTW, have never been proven to be either accurate or truthful. And it is the media, for the most part, that decides who will run this country. As i said a year ago, McCain may have stood a chance to beat Yobama, but he had no chance to beat the MSM, which had already decided who the next president would be.

Now, thanks to that media's influence over the thought process of far too many Americans, we find ourselves with a president who is an outright and unapologetic liar, one who is fully aware of his lies. Not just another exaggerating politician, but a full-blown liar! Just think back at all the things Obummer said during the campaign, then list all the things he's either done, not done, ignored, or totally reversed. Did he tell us he planned to nationalize our largest private corporations? Did he tell us our grandchildren would still be paying for his ideology? Did he tell us that we would go from a government of the people, for the people, and by the people, to an all-powerful, one party, ruling class? And once again, it's the MSM that allows him to get away with it.

How much damage will be done to our country before the American people catch on to, not just Obummer, but to the MSM? And here's the really scary question; do the Amerikan people, still consumed with the media-inspired Obamhysteria, still gulping their media-prepared Kool-Aid, even care?


Homer J Simpson said...

mmmmmmm - kool aid - droooooooool

Goober said...

That was a well-written piece.

I'll bet you could write one of these for every pol in Washington DC, such is the current state of affairs in our joke of a government.

Anonymous said...

"Our" government? Those days are gone.

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

"do the Amerikan people, still consumed with the media-inspired Obamhysteria, still gulping their media-prepared Kool-Aid, even care?"

No. They care more about American Idle.

Glenn Beck said...

Cap and trade: Cap your salary, trade your job.

Spider said...

Thanks Goob, and sadly you're right. Even more sad is the fact that what's happening to our country is our fault, not the pols. I sometimes get the feeling that all the non-Obamunists in Amerika are just sitting back and waiting for someone to save them. And if that's the case, we're in BIG, BIG trouble.