Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Go to Hell, Elitist Hollywood Prick...

Scroll down to the heading "bite me, Jim"

Fucking Jim Cameron. Another twat. He doesn’t understand that if we 200 million “redneck NRA people” who are, in his fevered mind, just itching to commit genocide were actually the Nazis that he thinks we are, that him and his ilk constantly throwing insults our way would have been exterminated by now. I guess it shows the foresight and grip on reality that this twat has.

I liked the Geek’s final sentence – “We aren’t the Nazis, we are the people protecting the Jews. Who and what are you?"


Schteveo said...

the veins are sticking out on your forehead dude, CHILL!!

Scum like Cameron think cops should have guns to protect him and his fortune, but want to abdicate, for us, the right to own a gun and protect ourselves. But Cameron will also employ a private security company and personal body guards, again both armed, to keep the cops backed-up on his safety. And if we can't afford that level of protection, that's our problem.

And the coroners and life insurance company's.

BOW said...

Tomorrow's happy hour. I suggest you get there early

Schteveo said...


I heard yesterday, that in England [where else, right] the "Avatarians" [their chosen moniker] are naming their children after characters in the stupid "Avatar"movie.

My favorite movies are "Casablanca", "Duck Soup', and "2001". But my kids aren't named Rick, Hal or Rufus T. Firefly. Although, a certain part of my anatomy was nicknamed "Moby" at one point, by my then girlfriend. And she had to get it from the Gregory Peck movie, because she was too dumb to read