Sunday, January 10, 2010

An intersting article from M.E.N.

Electric cars, as many people have said and suspected, are NOT the answer, right now anyway, and even The Mother Earth News says so.
Yes, I read Mother Earth News!! I've admitted to being a CrunchyCon before, looking for a greener life and unfortunately, you can't find a conservative leaning magazine, with that "green & self-sufficient" kind of leaning too.


Spider said...

The best way to get us "un-addicted" to foreign oil, is to use our own! As for our electrical needs, we should build hundreds of new nuclear powerplants. If the socialists in France don't mind theirs, why does it bother the socialists here?

The bottom line here is, all the bullshit we're told is not about the earth, or the environment, or pollution. It's about politics and "control", as usual!

Anonymous said...

Nuke 'em

Schteveo said...


How about,

"Spider and Schteveo have a Conversation"

or maybe

"Spider and Schteveo Spout Off"
(and nobody listens or comments)


"Suppose Somebody threw a Blog, and Nobody Came"

lets just agree with each other here one last time, then I'll call you Saturday and we'll bitch about the world to each other, and set the time for the following week to do it again?

I guess it's a good thing I started coming around here again. This place is like a waste land.

Svenska said...

Sorry guys! I've been reading - I just haven't had much to say.

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

Hey now! I've been here!

Schteveo said...

Readership may be on par, but "writership" is not. And I'm hurt that nobody laughed at my jokes.

I'm gonna go eat worms...