I haven't always agreed with Ed Koch. He's more liberal than I, but I always respected the fact that he is consistant in representing the people. He may not always represent my ideals, but that's not the point.
I think this says volumes and will be missed (ignored) by most of the MSM.
(I really, really want A-hole to weigh in on this, I know an "eat me " sign just waiting, waiting to find a new hom(o)
I always liked Ed Koch. I thought he was a good mayor for NYC in spite of the fact that he's a liberal (not a radical leftist) Demoncrat. NYC's blacks on the other hand, hated him because he wouldn't cave in to their demands and intimidation.
As for Odumbo's treatment of Isreal, i'm not at all surprised. First, because IMO, Odumbo owes his allegiance to the Mooselambs, not the jews. Also, i believe he would rather see an Isreal that's much further to the Left and much more "compliant" than it is. In fact, according to some of my Jewish friends, that Isreal is not a Leftist state is something that bothers many American jews (most of whom are Leftists) as well.
One would think that American jews would turn on Obummer for his insulting treatment of Isreal and it's leaders, but we see no such action or words coming from jews here. And i doubt very much that we will.
This is one of the things I pointed out top my lib friends. Some of whom, BTW, are Christians. I simply asked them if they believed in the Biblical Accounts of Armageddon, or not?
It's a jab at the boobs, but most don't get it.
Regardless of whether you believe or not, we need Israel in the ME to be a moderating voice. Because the bare bones minimum is that IF Israel goes away, it would take all of 3 seconds before those surrounding countries were fighting over that ground. They did it for 4000 years before 1947. They talked about who gets what, before the 6 Day War.
There's nothing in my life to tell me they'd SUDDENLY get together on a plan, if Israel was defeated.
On Masada.
I don't think the Jews in Modern Israel would jump off a cliff to keep from being defeated. There is no "Rome" to enslave them. Their current enemies want them dead, not slaved to them. Here's what I do believe.
I think the Israelis have nukes. I think they'd use them. I think they'd make the entire Middle East a huge, glass lined, radioactive, glowing spot in the desert. And if I know the Israeli spirit, they'd find a way to live and work in the glow just to be in Israel!!
There is, of course, that pesky Biblical prophecy about Israel being attacked, but the nukes "bounce off" and Israel is saved.
And I will NEVER understand the Jews in America. Why or how reasonably educated people get fooled by the Democrats. But there are many in that group, NON-Jews too, who gobble up their silly notions. If someone keeps promising me something, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, and it never happens, I'd be suspicious of their patter. And the Dems have been promising basically, the very same things for 60 or 70 years, and have never gotten it done.
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