Tuesday, April 20, 2010

They've lost their minds in the EU

I believe in the basic rights, as outlined in the Declaration of Independence.
The Happiness of Pursuit.
OK, I made a little joke. But I'm pretty sure EVERYTHING else is to be earned, after those basic rights. I don't have a right to fresh vegetables, I can pursue them by growing them. I don't have a right to free schooling. I have the liberty to go to public, private or home school. Or like my case, the liberty to be mostly self educated. I have a right to life. Not a rich, comfortable life. A life with a fancy car is not a right. A life with a big house, big screen TV. Nor a life on a 6 acre micro-farm, with farm animals, living in a tee pee, in Beverly Hills, because THAT infringes some other guys liberty and pursuits!! There are, GASP, limits to these things. Unless you belong to the Robin Hood Brigade of Political Thinking in the modern world of course.
Currently, there is a movement among progressives, and socialists, to "issue" us new rights. Well, not us immediately, but it will come next. Weirdness usually begins in Europe. They've got a 50 or 70 year head start on us.
In the EU, they are now embeud with a right to, I shit you not my friends, VACATIONS!!
Antonio Tajani, the European Union commissioner for enterprise and industry, proposed a strategy that could cost European taxpayers hundreds of millions of euros a year, The Times of London reports.

"Travelling for tourism today is a right. The way we spend our holidays is a formidable indicator of our quality of life," Mr. Tajani told a group of ministers at The European Tourism Stakeholders Conference in Madrid on April 15. Mr. Tajani was appointed to his post by Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

The plan -- just who gets to enjoy the travel package has yet to be determined -- would see taxpayers footing some of the vacation bill for seniors, youths between the ages of 18 and 25, disabled people, and families facing "difficult social, financial or personal" circumstances. The disabled and elderly can also be accompanied by one other person. The EU and its taxpayers are slated to fund 30% of the cost of these tours, which could range from youth exploring abandoned factories and power plants in Manchester to retirees taking discount trips to Madrid, all in the name of cultural appreciation.

Honestly, this is near the dumbest idea I ever heard. It's nothing but redistribution of wealth at it's silliest. I can see how people think ONLY the government could feed ALL the poor, I can see how people think ONLY the government could run ALL the schools because of the number of kids, I disagree, but I see it from a logistical view.

But the assumption that people should live in gub'ment housing, eat gub'ment cheese and get FREE gub'ment trips to "X", "Y" or "Z" is fully, justly and wholly, ridiculous. Especially that last one. JAY-yeezus what a crock of cheese!



Thomas Tomakin said...

Those people are encouraging chaos.

Deltas don't want 'vacation', they get a 'hangover-free holiday' using Soma. I breed them that way.

Besides - Soma is cheaper than air travel.

Spider said...

The scary thing about this story is, this is where we're heading. The Marxist govt now in DC truly believes we should be re-engineered with the socialist EU as the model. (or is Venezuela the real model) The question now is, will the American people accept it. We'll find out in Nov.

srk said...

I don't know if you noticed, but the sanity level right here ain't what it used to be. just look at our newest buddy, anon.

Schteveo said...

anon, is a symptom. Not an explanation srk.

I think this is where the idiotarians in the current admin want to go. But E Plebnista are NOT going for it. The brown gentlemen in the WH, is so far down in his numbers, he's looking UP at Bush and Carter.

And it's getting worse for them because of rhetoric like Der Schlickmeister's recent tirade attaching OK City, Tim McVeigh and the Tea Party. This of course excludes the M-slime-M, connecting the dots between, the KKK, the Tea Party, Westboro Baptist Church, Ruby Ridge and the Templars!!

It's easy, in a pre-WWII Germany to control thew media. It consisted of radio and TV. Most European countries had a gub'ment controlled radio to boot, so the guy in charge, had that wrapped up!! All you had to do was beat up the editor of the Danube Times, threaten his drivers and VIOLA', you control the paper too.

In the 21st century, there are hundreds of talk radio stations, hundreds of newspaper, magazines and pamphlets JUST from the conservative side. Not to mention the friggin' internet.

Keeping you in NYC, from telling Me here in NC what is ACTUALLY going on is im-poss-ib-ul for them!! No matter how many times they tell us on NBC, that the Tea Party is white, trailer trash, racist, gun toting, nigger muggers, looking for a fire fight, it's still hard to prove to the ACTUAL people at the protest. Especially the well educated, upper class, AA couple, from three streets over from me, (very nice neighborhood, not a trailer for MILES) who I talked too, AT the GD'ed Tea Party Tax Day Event!! How can THEY be convinced that they are white, poor, stupid, racist, dangerous or mislead!?

On the other hand, most of the people NOT attending don't know the truth and don't want to!! The liberals BELIEVE Katie Cutiepie, and always will.

Here's where the rubber meets the road.

On election day, we will, most likely, with the help of independents, and moderate Democrats, like those AA neighbors I ran into, out vote those short sighted, liberal leaning folks, and it's a trend that will go on for a while. Obama will reign over a Congress that he can't bully or push around.

Poor Barry.

BOW said...

Steve: He wasn't an explanation. There is no need to explain or make excuses for others thoughts and / or behaviors. He was merely an example

Spider said...

You've got a point Steve, but keep in mind, most folks still get their "news" from TV, and worse yet, they usually believe what they're told. I sometimes get the feeling that most of those people, perhaps out of habit, refuse to see the MSM for what it really is, a totally biased, left-wing, propaganda machine.

P.S. maybe i'm just tired, but can someone please explain that first post to me?

Schteveo said...

it's from Aldous Huxley's, "Brave New World". All very scary, civilization controlled from the top dowm OR people living a hunter gatherer, outsider, lesser lifestyle.

I think "Atlas Shrugged" is a MUCH better look at where we are. But the poster above was trying to say, I think, the MSM is our Soma, or drug by which we are controlled and taught and given feelings.

On your idea that many people are being bamboozled by the MslimeM. I agree. but I keep talking to people who have NEVER worked in politics, NEVER marched, gathered, picketed, NEVER put stickers on their car, in fact I've met s few who say they've NEVER voted, but NOW see what NOT voting can cost.
Well, uh...no DUH!
Like I said, even my moderate Dem friends are saying they screwed the pooch with Obama. They are NOT happy with the way we are headed and they intend to change it asap.

BOW said...

In this alternated Universe, the LWM and fringe lunatics have declared themselves mainstream while pushing the accepted American system to the edges of society. Toto, I don't think we are in Kansas anymore

Anonymous said...

Damned comment block!