Thursday, July 21, 2011

Only White's Are Terrorists

"Despite encouraging viewers not to pay attention to a person’s race in determining whether or not they may be a terrorist, almost all of the scenarios in the clip proceed to portray white people as the most likely terrorists. Bizarrely, nearly every single one of the “patriotic” Americans who reports on their fellow citizen is either black, Asian or Arab..."

"Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the DHS’ own internal documents list predominantly white conservative groups as the most likely terrorists, such as Ron Paul supporters, gun owners, gold bullion enthusiasts, and a myriad of other comparatively banal political interests that are largely the domain of white middle class Americans..."

So, how does that make you feel? Well, if you're black, or an illegal Mex, or some Islamic decapitator, probably pretty good, since it takes the spotlight off the real threats. Reading this article tells me that Butch Napilitano and her Dept. of Homeland Stupidity are now an official part of the Twilight Zone. It also tells me that someone may be laying the ground work for disarming White America. Hey, why not? Generally speaking, White America has shown the govt. that there's no limit to the amount of abuse they will endure. They continuously show the govt. that no matter how hard we're stepped on, we'll just smile and keep voting for the same crooks who's custom-made boots are on our throats. Can you really blame the elected lying crooks for abusing a nation that doesn't seem to mind it?


Anonymous said...

Forget the fact that they are importing Hamas terrorists.

Driller Killer said...

They must mean me.

Schteveo said...

"...Ron Paul supporters, gun owners, gold bullion enthusiasts..."

Uh Oh, three strikes and I'm out!!

Wm de Plume said...

I started to suspect something when cricket and soccor replaced baseball and football as youth games and interest

srk said...

"Somehow the findings from this December report didn’t make it into the video…
In the last 24 months (2009 and 2010) 126 people were indicted on terrorist-related charges in the United States. All of them were Muslim."

- Tea Party Patriots

ditto said...

Amos and Pootsy said...



Wm de Plume said...

Where you been @, Bud?

Anonymous said...

He doesn't love us anymore... :(

srk said...

He be missin missy