Monday, February 10, 2014

Here's one for the, "No SHIT, Sherlock" File!

As I read this article today, I  was trying to imagine just WHO would be surprised by the following description of Hillary Clinton?  How brain dead do you have to be to not see her this way?  And regardless of love her or hate her, this description fits.
"...too politically ambitious, too strong, and too ruthless..." .
She was and will ALWAYS be the smart one in their marriage, and if not for Hillary, Bill would be running a one man law office in East Arm Pit Ar, defending guys running porn stores, who get caught peeping into the female employees bathroom!

The real test of her political connections and savvy, is that she's going to walk away from having four people in Libya get killed on her watch, with little or nothing sticking to her as the Secretary of State!!!


Hillary ClitDik said...

Well p it's not easy being a sixty year old LezBo married to Der Schlickmeister.

Schteveo said...

I love it when we keep the conversations classy....

Clit R Dik Hilly said...

Watch it son. I'll pull my Clit out of it's Jock Strap and give ya'll a licking and a lashin

BOW said...

Yet she was a failure on her own, and only got to have a career was through Bill Cliton

Crusty Giz Clit said...

And that consisted of playing the hurt woman.... even though she's a LezBo and didn't give a Shit. Actually, she digs through the trash for Bill's leftovers.

Charlton Heston said...

Planet of the Apes

Working Man said...

No shi*t, snow shoes, no cervix

Greater Omentum said...

Charlie, you talking bout the White House agin?

Wokking Man,If eww bee east, I do believe you up to yer cervix in snow even witcher shoes own.

Ass Kappin U No Who said...

Just bought me a pare ob Howard Leight Impact Sport Pro E-lektronik Haidfonez. So far so cool. amplifies regular sounds but cancels gunshots. gotta plug so I can listen to Pink Floyd whilst I be Kappin Sum Ass

Bak in a sec... gotta turn up the A/C Poots said...

Shtever, Shpidie,

Ya'll DUg out? YA'll gotz juice?

Ya'll a kuppla frozen Dawgz?

Bill is goin to live at the airport for a few days starting tomorrow.

Dinner on the Patio Poots said...

Tink I'll throw own sum shorts and go out for an Ice Scream at Cold Stone

Anonymous said...

And then watch sum Olympic type GASH

AKA Moses said...

and then some...

Poots for the Prosecution said...

Sitting in jury duty.

Muthafukka goin be guilty.Fo Sho

Lapping it up at 88f today Poots said...

Fuckin dismissed the case. Sitting outside slurping a Bud looking at the pretty panties run.

Aqualung said...

That's watching as the petty panties run

Yakkoff der Jakkoff said...

Zo, exhprain etw mine how ish et dat der gurl figga shkater dat repfrzents ze Lutuvainia hob ben bern into der Beverlu Hillsh und livesh in der Shtockinton Cafilornia?

Id der zame schit mit der chikiepoo frum der Franz. She ish bern into deer Gnu Yerk Shitty.

Ho hup eat dat ish pussibole?

Dew dey eben haff der ecesh into der Lutuvainia? I tink awl dey gots der ish Hut unt Koldt runnink Yak Milk.

I'd wear big rubber boots said...

Yo. When somebody going to kick dat LezBo in that big sausage sized hairy goo dripping reeking from Napalitano butt clitamungous gash splitter Jimmy Durante Clitbo Klingon Clit Hillary?

CLetius the Clit Kicker said...

Yea. when?

Right on Brudda

Poo Thingy said...

Isn't it about time to get a new thread thingy poo on here?

Anonymous said...

Why? I like talking about the 1st tuna!

Hillys Snitz said...


The disservice you do to Tuna is truly appalling.

If you would, please refer to it as the Fermenting Garbage Gash of the Diarrhea Fart Flap.

At least Diarrhea Fart Flaps might not take such offense to your reference.

Diarrhea Fart Flaps Inc. said...

Fuck off Snitz. Don't you compare us to Hillary's Gash.

Anonymous said...

Git da pikktcha?

Anonymous said...

Aw Preeze shtart anudder threed.

Kaint tink bout Hillys Twat no mo