Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Bizarro World

Does the City Council in your town start it's official meetings with a prayer? Here in NYC, our council refuses to start with a prayer claiming it violates the imaginary "separation of church and state" clause of the Constitution. Actually, it's more due to the fact that the commies here are mostly anti-Christian.

What about a city council that starts it's official meetings with a Mooselamb prayer? Personally, i don't see a problem with that, assuming you're in Iraq or Afghanistan. But what if that council is in the city of Hartford, Connecticut? Yes, our Hartford, CT. Sound kinda nuts? Welcome to 2010 Amerika, a.k.a. The Nation of Fools...



My Mooselamb Prayer said...

Dear God,
Nuke Mecca.


Schteveo said...

Just three words.

Un. Fucking. Believable.

But what do you expect from idiot NE liberals?

Well, let me add MY daily Anti-American style, 21st Century break down of civility and common sense. In the magazine stands I've been near in the last three days, the current "Cosmo" has an article about use of the idiot word "va-jay-jay". I only object because it's in huge WHITE letters on a BLUE page. I noticed it for the first time from 20 feet away. Not to mention I was in Wal-Mart, a store that got pushed into removing "men's" magazines from said rack, because they were offensive!! Well, here's a hint, I'm not upset by body parts, be they male or female, but I am put off by dual standards. And I'm sick of a society that won't allow the "idea" of naked tits, but accepts vaginas on it's book stands!!

Spider said...

With each passing day, it's becoming more obvious that simply going into a voting booth in Nov isn't going to change this country as much as it needs to be changed. Some very radical things have been/are being done to us and i think it's going to take some radical "corrections" to stop them or fix them.

Do i believe my fellow Americans are up to the challenge? I'll wait and see, although stories like this one don't allow me to feel very optimistic.

Schteveo said...

I'm about to get a group together, like in that flick, "The Village". Wanna join? I'm thinking TX Hill Country. Livable year round seasons for human life and eating style plants.

Medicinal herbs and mushrooms from well out there too. As well as cows, pigs, poultry, etc.

SpongePoots "I'm ready, I'm ready" said...

Notice the up-tick in ammo prices recently? And that more types are on backorder?

Think people are gittin ready.

Spider said...

The Village? If you're talking Red Dawn, with a full frontal assault on DC, then sign me up.

And you're right brother Poots. Short supplies again. I just hope it's not all goin south of the border.