Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Acceptable Racism

So, what would happen if Rush Limbaugh or Newt Gingrich said, "it's too soon to have another black First Lady "? Riots? Protests? Media hysteria and outrage? Calls for firings? Most likely all of the above.

Well, that's what famous Commiewood actor Robert DeNiro said at a Obummer fund raiser held in one of his restaurants with fat-ass Michelle sitting there. He was speaking to a bunch of his Leftist pals in Manhattan, one of the country's major Leftist strongholds. Now, i don't know about you guys, but i haven't seen nor heard a word about this on any news show today, so i have to assume his remark was not seen as racist, as it surely would have been seen if said by any Republican or Conservative. Apparently, DeNiro's black wife, and his left-wing, socialist roots (both his parents were noted socialists) give him immunity. How nice...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So Dinero is a sprong lapper? I did not know.