Saturday, June 8, 2013

Nice Country, America

 Well, i guess that depends on who you are? If you're some broken-down, nobody lawyer from the Bronx, one who's obviously living way beyond her means, is in deep debt to her credit cards, America may not be such a great country. But, if you're a radical left-wing Demoncrat, and a Puerto Rican female who gets handed a SCOTUS robe by the Marxist-in-Chief, yes, America can truly be a "very" nice country. I wonder if many people will ask how someones life story is worth $3+ Million now, when it wasn't worth $10. a couple of years ago. Hmm...

I used to ask myself questions like that when it comes to politics, and wondered why anyone would go into politics as a career. In fact, i still wonder how all 100 members of the senate, (minus the few brand-new members) can become millionaires and multimillionaires on a salary of about $180K per year. Hmm... And why would those same politicians spend $30-40-60+ Million dollars campaigning for that job that pays $180K, and is only guaranteed for six years? Hmm... Apparently, they're a lot better at math than i am...


stinkinrottenkid said...

No one will buy the book on purpose...on an individual basis, at least. But the lefty school districts will overpay to fill their school libraries with them, and it will also end up on some required reading lists for others.

Anonymous said...

And of course, the NY Times "best seller" list.