Thursday, November 19, 2009

Buy More Ammo!

So here's my question for the day. How do you tell a "good" Mooselamb from a radical, blood-thirsty, Amerika-hating, Mooselamb terrorist?

Well, the fact that one is wearing a bomb vest might give you a clue. But what if that terrorist removes his/her vest. Then what? Is he/she still a radical terrorist? Apparently, if you're the CIA and you don't see the vest, you welcome them into the main agency responsible for protecting this country from blood-thirsty, Amerika-hating, radical, Mooselambs. And of course, you believe them when they say they're "the peaceful kind", like the Ft. Hood terrorist did before he started shooting.

Now to a rational person, the above sounds like a really crazy idea. But if you're part of the anti-American government in DC, it makes perfect sense. Do you remember that saying from The Godfather II movie? ("Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer "). Actually, i don't think Michael Corleone was referring to bomb vest-wearing Mooselambs. The Mafia, unlike the CIA, is not that stupid. Remember, this is the same CIA that was gutted by Bubba and Hitlary in the early 90's, and filled with Left-thinking followers. As a result, people deep inside the agency were responsible for endless leaks to the MSM during the GWB presidency. While i'm sure most of the people at CIA are highly dedicated, brave, and patriotic, most is not all. What, if anything, does PC, political agenda, and our current Marxist government have to do with this decision? And have the folks at CIA never heard of language courses?


"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

One of the reasons why Rome fell:
Rome embraced the barbarians but also lost territory and revenue to them.

And while we're at it: Decay, inflation, economic factors, cultural division of the empire, hoarding and deficit. Sound familiar?

Goin Desert Shootin Sat MornPoots said...

How do you tell a "good" Mooselamb from a radical, blood-thirsty, Amerika-hating, Mooselamb terrorist?

There is one and only one way to tell:

The 'blood-thirsty, Amerika-hating, Mooselamb terrorist' bleeds a little faster than the "good" Mooselamb after you shoot them in the towel.

Anonymous said...

"Kill 'em all and let God sort it out!"

Number 1 Son said...

My favorite response to Ft Hood, is 100% ID checks at military installations.

Because Maj Wacko did't have one ...

And the FBI memo that tells us what to look for, to identify someone that might go "postal" is COMPLETELY obsurd.

Goober said...

Yeah, because a CIA full of blonde-haired, blue eyed men is, like, TOTALLY going to be able to run covert and infiltration operations into terrorist organizations. Why the hell would they need to recruit Arab Americans to go undercover into Arab organizations to find the bad guys? Why can't they just dye one of the blonde guy's heads brown and give him all the free tanning booth time he can stand, and then have HIM infoltrate the arab organizations with a pidgin-grasp on arabic and a bad white guy accent?

Sorry for the snark, but did that ever occur to you?