Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Democracy? Not Any More!

If there's one thing that getting his so-called health-care law passed has made Chairman Obummer and his Demoncrat worshipers do, it's to come out into the open. There's no more pretence. We are now a one-party country, who's people are totally controlled by the State, and to hell with what the people say or want. The American people are no longer being asked what they think. They're now being told what they think, what they want, and what they'll get. And all they have to do is pay for it all.

High on his own arrogance and sense of superiority, the Marxist in the WH is now even side-stepping his own congress, even though he knows they'll rubber-stamp pretty much anything he wants. It's his way of telling the American people, I Am Now Your King! When something like this happens in many countries around the world, it usually ends up with tens-of-thousands of people in the streets, lots and lots of gunfire, and "wannabe kings" hanging from lamp posts. If this were the country it used to be, the same thing would probably happen. In fact, if this were still the country it used to be, this Marxist would never have gotten near the WH, no matter what his color.

But this is the new America. The new World Order, where TV shows are more important than true liberty, where the MSM thrives simply by lying, where a relative handful of well-connected "special" people and groups have far more to say about how we live than we do, and the simple illusion of freedom seems to be enough for most people. Tens-of-millions of brave and valuable American warriors have fought for the things that are being taken away from us now. And millions of them died protecting those very things. I wonder, as they lay in their places of honor, what they must think of us for allowing this to happen...



Schteveo said...

Just more nails in his political coffin. Unless he suspends the next elections (which wouldn't surprise me) he'll have to deal with a very hostile Congress.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
srk said...

anon needs a name. My daughter suggests Weenie Poop Head

Wipes with Barbed Wire said...

Wow, the thing with no name lives in a fantasy world.


For the record, click my name. Are we reliving history? Sure sounds like it.

BOW said...

I think he's a felcher

Anonymous said...

Schteveo, Annie never edited comments.

You fat, ignorant, piece of shit welfare case.

Schteveo said...

I said it before, I'm NOT reading any more name calling in here!! Try again.

But for the record, oh nameless one, the MAJORITY of Congressmen and Senators voted for it. Their CONSTITUENTS were running 2 to 1 AGAINST it.

What they did is not a Monarchy BTW, it's Totalitarianism.

Anonymous said...

The Congresspersons who voted for it were representing the wishes of their constituents. The democratic districts support reform to an even greater extent.

The Iraq war has been opposed by a majority since 2005. We're still there. Congress keeps funding it.

Anonymous said...

Knock knock . . . Who is there?
Eyes! . . . Eyes who? . . . Eyes you new healthcare provider.

Email sent to me by an Obama supporter.

Jimbo said...

"The Congresspersons who voted for it were representing the wishes of their constituents."


If you had said "a minority of their constituents" you would have been telling the truth.

I hate liars.

Schteveo said...

even the MSM outlets that traditionally support Dems reported that it was 2 to 1 against. Get a grip. USA Today said it was not supported. The last Time / CBS was the same, on Fri just before they voted on Sun. You can't re-write the facts because it ultimately got voted into law.

I heard an interesting question this morning.

What happens IF the Republicans take back one or both houses and refuse to put up any plan to FUND this pig? Then they sit on their hands over it until 2012. The President cannot pay for squat without them, that's for sure.

I'm expecting some "emergency" the day before the elections. Most likely from "Christian extremists".

Anybody want in on the pool? Choose AM or PM, and then in half hour slots, starting at 12:01 AM, on the Monday before, running until the polls open in NH on Tue. $10 bucks per square.

I'll even pay off in Chinese Money to ensure the winner gets his just dues.

BOW said...

annie doesn't come round anymore. neither you nor we speak for her, never did, never will

BOW said...

annie doesn't come round anymore. neither you nor we speak for her, never did, never will

Poots Gotchew Figgred out. said...


NannerMouse is MISSY. I just ran examples of each of their text through a Forensic Language Analyzer and it is 99.99999978% certian NannerMouse is MISSY.

So you are (in part) correct if you refer to (he-she-it) as a felcher if you include Self-Felching in that.

I really do think some time between 5/30 and 7/21 I may take my extra F.F. Tik and jet own up to Ground Zero City fro a day or 3.

EAT ME................

Shits Pineapples said...

Anon does no a lot about our history.

Shits Pineapples said...

Make that know

Anonymous said...


"[T]he passage of ObamaCare DID [as San Fran Nan gloated] "fundamentally transform America." America is being transformed from a society of independent-minded, hard-working individuals to one where government rules all aspects of life. The transformation is to government dependency where self-reliance used to be the norm. In Obama's America people actually get smokin' mad when you suggest they should be responsible for their own lives.

DeToqueville's prediction has come to pass. A huge number of Americans have figured out they can use a ballot box to take someone else's property .. and America is in decline.
– Neal Boortz

Schteveo said...

I agree that there are many who think it's about TAKING not providing for self and family. But I still think the majority are willing to work and don't want to give their money or property away.

Hell, we KNOW liberals give less to charity than conservatives every year. But even the libs I know are hard working, weird, but hard working.

The ones I don't get, and I know a few, are the ones willing to work, who want to keep their stuff, donate some, volunteer because they should, but want to strip Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, George Soros, Rupert Murdoch...


WTF makes them think those people should give Average Joe anything?

Anonymous said...

"You don't work, you don't eat!"
--- George Wallace, 1968

Schteveo said...

I kinda like this one better, mostly because the reference is a little more mainstream.
2 Thessalonians 3:10

If any man does no work, let him not have food.
As I recall, George Wallace was widely denounced for his version.