Friday, March 19, 2010

Don't call your Congreesman, it's harassment!!

I have no words. But I'm feeling that the uprising is closer everyday.
The Heat is On: Congressman’s Office Says Constituent Calls Are ‘Harassment’

Yesterday, I decided to call Rep. John Garamendi’s (CA-10) office in Washington, D.C. He’s my representative and I wanted to voice my opposition to the Senate Health Care Bill. I spoke with a female staffer and politely told her that, while I support health care reform, I oppose the Senate Bill because it wasn’t true “reform.” She said the Congressman thinks it’s a good bill and that he campaigned on health care reform. I told her I knew that. I also mentioned that I voted for him. When I tried to give her specific reasons why the Senate Bill would harm our system rather than reform it, she refused to listen. She said she was very busy and hung up on me. Being the persistent person that I am, I kept calling back. Each time I tried to finish my point, she hung up.

I called one more time. This time she said, “If you call one more time, we will notify Capital Police.” I asked why my conduct warranted involving federal law enforcement agents. She said I was “harassing” her. I tried to explain that trying to convince a representative to change his or her vote didn’t constitute “harassment.” Before I could fully explain, she hung up again.

I called back. This time, I asked to speak to her supervisor in order to report her repeated hanging up as well as the threat she made. I was placed on hold. Thinking I was holding for her supervisor, I was shocked when a Federal Agent with the Capital Police picked-up the telephone.

At first, the Agent was curt with me. He claimed I was harassing Mr. Garamendi’s staff by continually calling after being told to stop calling. I asked him when it became a federal crime to lobby a congressman. He said that it wasn’t but it was a crime to “harass” congressional members and staff pursuant to 47 U.S.C. 223. I told him I was an attorney (which I am) and that I would research the statute he had cited.

After researching 47 U.S.C. 223, I called Mr. Garamendi’s office again and asked to be transferred back to the Capital Police Agent. The Agent picked up the phone and I explained to him that the statute he cited was not controlling since it only prohibits people from calling with the specific intent to harass. I further explained that I was simply trying to voice my concerns with the intent of getting Mr. Garamendi to change his mind, not to harass his staff. The Agent eventually agreed with my position and said he would call Mr. Garamendi’s office and instruct his staff that I was within my rights to call my congressman and voice my concerns.


You've gotta admire their chutzpah for even trying this. But, I'm hoping this guy is one of the first one up on the horse.





Anonymous said...

You're so against seeing your fellow man get access to affordable health care that you'll spend time calling your Congressman in DC?

Well, why not! You've got plenty of time now that you don't have to work. Good thing the working people you don't want to see get health care are willing to pay taxes that support you on disability.

Anonymous said...

anon, you ignorant slut!

Schteveo said...

But answer the question, you ignorant, dickless, motherfucker.

Would it work the other way?

If ALL the conservative were talking about closing down ALL funding to "X" group or "Y" foundation or "Z" program, and the people were calling to disagree. Would YOU be harassing them, because YOU called? Screw whatever the issue is, do our elected officials have the power to cut off communication with their constituents like this?!!

Spider said...

The last thing the elected, lying crooks want to do is talk/listen to the people, especially if they're Demoncrats. What would they say? They can't justify what's in the bill because they don't know. All they can do is repeat the talking points they've been given by Queen Botox. Besides, they're probably very busy making up statements to feed to the media after the "vote" is taken which will show how hard they worked for the people and "the children".

Anonymous said...

"The government has no source of revenue, except the taxes paid by the producers. To free itself—for a while—from the limits set by reality, the government initiates a credit con game on a scale which the private manipulator could not dream of. It borrows money from you today, which is to be repaid with money it will borrow from you tomorrow, which is to be repaid with money it will borrow from you day after tomorrow, and so on. This is known as “deficit financing.” It is made possible by the fact that the government cuts the connection between goods and money. It issues paper money, which is used as a claim check on actually existing goods—but that money is not backed by any goods, it is not backed by gold, it is backed by nothing. It is a promissory note issued to you in exchange for your goods, to be paid by you (in the form of taxes) out of your future production."
– Ayn Rand

Spits Against the Wind said...


Is that Hebrew for 'wasting time'?

Policy is changed by voting the bastards out of office, not by chatting with the capitol police.

To me, this story represents progressive in-fighting that is bringing the stupid SOB's to their knees.

I lived in John Garamendi's district (pre-Texas/Hawaii) and can honestly say he is a limousine liberal of the most despicable kind. The fact that a silly Walnut Creek moonbat idiot would believe he/she/it is making a difference in the world by speaking to an affirmative-action hire with the Capitol Police demonstrates the general mentality of silly liberals.

And someone should tell the silly liberal dipshit that it is Capitol Police.

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

Call and harass your congressman/woman! And if your state isn't pushing back against government run health care, call and harass your state legislature!

Spider said...

The sad truth (IMO) is that all those calls won't make a bit of difference. Oh, they'll annoy a lot of the corrupt, useless cretins in DC, but that's about it. The deals have been/are being made as we speak, and the elected crooks are each getting their "30 pieces of silver", which is all they care about.

I believe the prevailing thought among Demoncrats is, "Nov is a long way off (in political terms) and people have short memories". Of course, the MSM will do it's part to make sure that's what happens. By the time the American people realize this so-called health-care legislation had very little to do with health care, and everything to do with gaining total control over our lives, it'll be too late.

The only question in my mind is, will the next congress be able to undo the damage that's being done this weekend.

Anonymous said...

The only question in my mind is, will the next congress be able to undo the damage that's being done this weekend.

Even if conservatives take back a majority, there's that pesky veto power of the prez. Attaining a super-majority is probably not gonna happen unless the people get REALLY angry.

I sure hope that we don't get into a situation where people start shootin, we don't need another "emergency" for prezBO to take advantage of.

Schteveo said...

"...unless the people get REALLY angry!"

I think we're there now.

There was a gun owners, 2nd Amendment, protect the Constitution meeting in Kenai, AK this week. Granted that's a hell of a long way from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, but we gotta start somewhere. I'll be there when they hold one here.


I've got a funny story to tell. In my merry travels this week, I went to the Whole Foods place near me. I needed alfalfa sprouts for sandwiches and good crusty bread too, no better place for that stuff than the WF store.

Middle of the day, lots of nuts and granola, vegetable-tarians eating lunch. I never gave a thought to the fact that I wasn't wearing a sweatshirt or jacket. You should have seen the pointing, choking and sputtering when I checked out, with the butt of the Ruger poking my t-shirt out.

OMG, you'd have thought I was dry humping small fuzzy animals in the olive oil aisle!! No one in mngt said anything, nor the employees. But the customers were losing their liberal minds. One guy followed me outside and demanded my permit. I told him he could see it...just as soon as he showed me his badge. He told me I was SUPPOSED to show it to anyone who asked for it. I told him where he could kiss me. He offered to call the cops. I offered to wait for the police just to prove that I knew my CCH laws better than he did.

He got flustered, red in the face and went back into the store to finish his tofu parm and wheat grass smoothie.

I'm currently growing my own sprouts. As much fun as that was, it's 5 minutes I'll never get back.

Spider said...

Anon 10:10 said;
"I sure hope that we don't get into a situation where people start shootin, we don't need another "emergency" for prezBO to take advantage of."

The other option is, blind obedience. (ie:slavery) Unless of course, the American people don't feel their rights, their country, and their liberty is worth fighting for. In that case, they deserve none of those things.

One gets the distinct impression that the Marxist in the Oval Office, and those who pull his strings, are trying to see just how far the American people will allow themselves to be pushed. I too am very interested in the answer, although looking at recent history, i find myself having very little faith in the majority of the people.

Anonymous said...

Your ignorant voices were heard. YOU LOST THE ELECTION.

Better watch out pushing for government to stop spending money. You'll lose that disability you live on.

BOW said...

"chutzpah" is not a Hebrew word, it is a Yiddish word. A totally different language based primarily on German with Hebrew and other languages sprinkled on top. Basically it means having the balls to do something. Syn: cajones (Spanish)

Schteveo said...

some people's kids, huh?

I'm thinking my SSD is secure, because I'm legitimately disabled. But tons of liberal voting dumb fucks are the ones sucking down the system. Estimates range from 30% to 45% are scamming. What I'd really like is the system scrutinized and offenders dealt with. See, that's how conservatives think, but you'll never get it. Your mind is too sealed shut to listen.

Besides, if I don't get my way, I'll just shoot you and take your shit. Which is what you think about us anyway. So fuck U.