Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Liar-In-Chief

Recently, yo president, Chairman Odumbo, gave another of his speeches in which he said we "must find" alternative fuel sources, "including off-shore drilling for oil ". Personally, i knew he was lying when he said it, since the radical Marxists who pull his strings would never allow it. In fact, the radical EnviroNazi's, and the crooks on Wall Street, are the reason i'm paying $3. a gallon for gas, and it's not even summer yet! But after reading this story, i may look back soon and realize $3. is a bargain.

To most ordinary people like myself, (non intellectuals) the question has been, why are we buying oil from other countries when we have our own? To me, that's like owning a bakery and going down the street to buy a loaf of bread from someone else. Not only will it cost a lot more, but it makes no sense. But, as i said, i'm not an intellectual. I'm just the guy who hands my money to the towelhead who owns the gas station, while i fill my tank with someone elses gas. It's at moments like that, that i can truly understand someone calmly pulling an AK47 out of his trunk and spraying the whole neighborhood. Fortunately for my neighborhood, i don't own an AK47.

Obviously, if this story becomes a reality, it will not only be a threat to our economy, but to our national security, assuming anyone still cares about that...

1 comment:

Spits on Sidewalk said...

Me thinks it's time for Spider to buy an AK47.