Friday, December 11, 2009

9mm ammo and Nickels

You ever notice how things not necessarily connected, can get connected to each other, by a third thing or occurrence?

I read the posting, about a 1 million men army for the third time in as many weeks, and once again all I saw were the holes in it. A MILLION new soldiers, on OUR streets. And all by The Messiah's thin brown hand. It still sounds like bull shit to me. My uncle thinks so too, and he said so earlier.

Before I read it (again) I was cleaning up around my recliner, here in Casa de Schteveo. I've been battling a unknown intestinal illness since before Turkey Day that is keeping me posted there in that chair about 23 hours a day, so "things" had piled up. Two things were found under the table in my sorting.

A box of 9mm ammo, minus all but 6 rounds.


A 1941 nickel.
I collect old nickels, started 30 odd years ago when I worked at Dominos. I found several Buffalo Nickels in one night and that's how it started. Pure fascination with something most people overlook, 5 cents worth of silver and nickel. Not too many WWII or pre-war 5 centers left, but this one came out of change from our trip to Kentucky. It's been in circulation too, it's all beat to hell, hard to read, filthy, dinged and certainly 5 cents ain't what it was in 1941.
But I thought about finding that nickel, that 1941 nickel, just a few days after Pearl Harbor Day. Many of you may remember that I'm an old squid. (translation for you non-military types: Navy member; sailor) I got to thinking that the law of averages would tell us that this nickel was minted before December 7, 1941, it just WAS back then, it was alive then on that day of infamy. It may well have traveled far and wide in some sailor's or some soldier's or some airmen's pocket or gear to Europe, Africa or Asia. Regardless, it was alive, from then, until now, 68 years.

But even though I've looked at thousands of nickels, this morning it made a difference, connected with that million troop article, and the ammunition. Here's how.

While I was cleaning, I had on TCM, they were showing a WWII movie, "This Land is Mine". I've seen it in pieces before but never from start to finish. It's about a small town in Europe where the Nazi's are already well intrenched and the Americans are bombing regularly to get them out. Some of the towns people side with the bombers, others side with the Nazis. Charles Laughton plays a middle -aged, bachelor, a teacher who lives with his mother. He's a bit "feminine" for lack of a better term, a mommy's boy, a wimp. But he has a crush on one of the new, young teachers. Being a wimp, he does nothing about the girl, sides with no one over the war.

Events transpire to put him at odds with the traditional powers that be, accused of murder. The Nazis will see that he's freed, so he can teach National Socialism to the school children, help create the New World Order, for his new found Nazi friends. But after he gets that offer, he watches as the Nazis execute 10 of his townsmen, including the School Principal, his best friend. He finds his courage on the witness stand and tells of the deal to set him free. Ultimately the Nazis come to execute him for not kow towing to their will. They take him from his classroom where he's teaching about freedom.

OK, here's how it ties together, ready?

You can believe what you will about "troops" in your streets. You can believe what you want about Obama and his "power" to get 1 million troops in the streets. You can believe what you want about "foreign" or "new" troops on your streets. I've told you what I believe numerous times.

But, I know that many of the same people who were overtly isolationists before December 7, 1941, when that nickel was just a pup. Those same people were rabidly ready to defend this country by sundown that day. Given the old polling numbers on Dec 6, 1941, the majority of Americans DID NOT want to even supply arms to the Europeans who were fighting tyrannical powers. But after the country WAS attacked, things changed.

I believe the same thing will be true if presented, again, here in America. People who are not political, or who are anti-gun, anti-WTF have you, WILL NOT stand by and be subjugated by Obama, Yo Mama or Yo Yo Yo any fucking body else Yo got. They will not see their children abused or starved or mistreated. It will not happen. Hell, they won't let them be spanked at school NOW, yet you think they'll allow them to be pushed into a way of life mommmy and daddy don't want!!?

You do and believe what you want, I'll defend your right to do so. Me, my nickels and my ammunition will be shooting the first mother fucker who tries to take my nickels, my guns or the aforementioned ammunition. Regardless, I'm gonna go down fighting, 1941 nickel in pocket, guns in hand, believing that most Americans are going to protect themselves. Wimps now or not, when pushed to the right point. They’ll stand up.

That will include our friends and family in the military. They, like me, will follow their oath. An oath sworn to defend the Constitution, and the country. It's not an oath to defend Obama or any other temporary resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. They'll stand up for that oath and for themselves.


Anonymous said...


I love your article. It's great.

I still won't be posting much due to starting another Master's Degree (Military History at Norwich this time) I have to find something to do with my time now that I have been retired for 19 days. contributing to your article I recommend anybody that cares to, look for information on a man named Sam Whittemore. he was 78 years old on the morning of April 19, 1775. Look at his history and definition of defending your homeland. I haven't researched it yet on the internet, I learned his story from a book titled "Unlikely Heroes"

My question is, where are those six missing rounds? I hope one is ready to be chambered....unless the grandkids are in the house of course.


BOW said...

Welcome back from retirement steve AND a BIG HELLO to Alan!

Schteveo said...

I'm kinda back, just way slower, and ONLY when I have something of substance to contribute.

all the rounds BUT the remaining 6 in the box are accounted for. In the gun, ready or fired into a stump up in IN.

Spider said...

Steve, it seems this discussion is becoming a regular one here, and our various opinions are well known by now.

Missy's post, (and my opinion) doesn't say this type of military action "will" take place, only that it should be looked at as a possibility, especially given the moves Odumbo, his congress, and his czars are making. And unlike that old movie you saw, (a real good one BTW) it wouldn't happen as an overt military crack-down, but subliminally, quietly, and "well-disguised". In fact, there are many people who will tell you that some of the necessary moves are already being made, like congress being pushed aside by the czars, and govt bureaucracies giving themselves unheard of (and unconstitutional) powers over the people, to name only two.

IMO, this country has never seen the kind of power-grab the Obamunists are in the process of making, and it seems that power is being consolidated within the WH. This is not some bizarre or crazy notion some of us have. It's actually happening. We read about it, hear about it, and see it every day.

And as you've said, we know your feelings about what the military would, or wouldn't do. Personally, i firmly beleive (as you know) that for the most part, the military will follow the orders of their CinC and/or military leaders. And once again, for me, it would all depend on "how the situation is presented to the military and the public", such as some "national emergency".

I think i understand your feelings about what the American people, and the military would do in such an event. You mention the spirit that existed at the start of WWII. Let me remind you my friend, that spirit, and those people no longer exist. If they did, we wouldn't have an overt Marxist in the WH.

Schteveo said...

As usual we agree within a small percentage Spider. And I agree that most Americans are more interested in "stuff' than in protecting themselves. But buried beneath the 'merican Idol adulation, below college sports, way down deep under love of family and self, is human nature. And try as he might, man cannot slough off that beast within.

Fight or flight.

If people are pushed, they'll fight, as there will be nowhere to which we can run. We ARE where people run toward in times of trouble. And I have no doubt that blood will be spilled, I hope not, but my fear is that it is coming. That's why I carry a gun and why I keep a survival kit here at home. When it starts, we'll all need to be ready.