Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Global Warming; The Spark That Ignited The Powderkeg?

"But Gingrich warmed (of an uprising) if the Obama administration takes action through the EPA. This message to the president is also a message to Congress. Should the Obama administration act unilaterally and subvert the Constitution, the American people (will rightfully rise up in opposition)".

Is it just me, or does that sound like, "hey guys, buy more ammo"? And since he knows a whole lot more about what's really going on behind the scenes than we do, is Newt telling us to "get ready"? With the incredible power the EPA has just granted itself, all they need is a nod from comrade Obummer, and they will be into every single aspect of our lives. There's not one thing we do on a daily basis that won't be regulated in one way or another. Light bulbs, cars, food, home heating and cooling, your TV set, and everything else we do or have. Socialism? We're getting into hard-core Marxism now! This is the kind of stuff Hugo, and Kim Jong, and Fidel do.

The article implies the possibility of legal action against comrade Obummer if he signs an international treaty with the global warming psycho's in Denmark. But who will bring that action? Would that be the job of the congress? (fat chance!) Since a private citizen can not sue the president or congress, who is it left up to?

There was a time in our history when Americans picked-up arms and went to war over far less than what's being done to us. If we stay silent, we will most likely lose what freedoms we have left. If we wait for the next election, all we'll do is give the corrupt politicians something else to laugh at, since that will change nothing, (as usual) and they know it.

Is it time for the tree of liberty to be refreshed again?


BOW said...

even the algore may be having second thoughts

Missy said...

So Newt took his nose out of Algore's ass to have a cogent thought?

Spider said...

My thoughts exactly Missy. Sometimes it seems old Newt can't decide which side of the fight he's really on, like John McLoser. Is he starting to talk tough again because he may sense a Republican return next Nov? And what makes him think the gutless Republicans want someone who's tough?

Spider said...

Here's more info on what's coming.

"This isn’t an environmental issue as much as it is a good-government issue. If Congress leaves the Clean Air Act as it now stands, it will be construed as granting the EPA authority to regulate almost every facet of our lives. Since greenhouse-gas emissions come from most uses of energy, the reach of such regulation could be endless and onerous. The EPA could tell us what cars to drive, where we can live, how our homes must be built, how spacious our homes can be, and how much we need to pay for energy."

Jimbo said...

Speaking of powder...

How much CO2 is released when I fire a 150 grain 30.06 round?

Would I be helping save the planet if I stuck with .223s during the revolution?

Anonymous said...

Save the planet now.
Reduce methane emissions - eat a cow!

The Constitution Of The U.S.A. said...

Article Two, Section 2 says that the Pres needs the concurrence of 2/3 of the Senators present to make treaties. So can the Marxists in the Donkey Clan call a session with none of the Elephant Clan present and pass a treaty?

From Amendment One: "... and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." - So who says that "We The People" may not sue the President and Congress for violating the Constitution?

Various "victim groups" sue the government all the time over grievances real and imagined.


Anonymous said...

That's true, but it's usually government agencies they sue. I don't recall anyone ever suing the president or congress for performing (what they will claim) is their official responsibility. And yes, if he does sign a treaty without congressional approval, it would violate the constitution, assuming that matters any more.

BOW said...

"2/3 of the senators present" is why the elephant clan is neither invited nor permitted to attend

Anonymous said...

Don't presidents sign treaties all the time, and then get them ratified by congress. It not being "real" until ratified.

I think that is what happened with Kyoto Treaty. Clinton signed, congress didn't ratify.

Anonymous said...


It's also worth noting how completely antithetical claims are advanced to defend and excuse Obama. We've long heard -- from the most blindly loyal cheerleaders and from Emanuel himself -- that progressives should place their trust in the Obama White House to get this done the right way, that he's playing 11-dimensional chess when everyone else is playing checkers, that Obama is the Long Game Master who will always win. Then, when a bad bill is produced, the exact opposite claim is hauled out: it's not his fault because he's totally powerless, has nothing to do with this, and couldn't possibly have altered the outcome. From his defenders, he's instantaneously transformed from 11-dimensional chess Master to impotent, victimized bystander. The supreme goal is to shield him from all blame. – Glenn Greenwald

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

Like I said... Locked and loaded.
And now... saving the planet (in Jimbo's terms)