Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Another Energy Price Increase?

As much as 60% more on your electric bill brought to you courtesy of.....


1 comment:

Spider said...

This is simply a part of the price we'll pay for our national weakness. But fear not. Most Americans won't really notice those bigger bills because they'll be busy watching Dancing With The Stars or American Idol. I'm not sure whether it's that the people don't get what's really being done to this country, or they just don't care.

Yes, i know the people gave the House to the Republicans last Nov. But what good did that do with a president who totally ignors congress and does exactly what he wants. Had GWB ignored and side-stepped congress like Obummer has, he would've been impeached. And the Republican response to his conduct? Z-Z-Z-Z

If the Republican Party, and most of the Repubs running for the WH, had half the fire and passion that the Left has, we would have nothing to worry about. But they don't, and because they don't, having the Marxist-in-Chief, and the anti-Americans he surrounds himself with, in the WH for another four years is a VERY, VERY, real possibility. Electric bills will be the least of our problems.