Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Birds do it, bees do it...

Even drunk college kids do it!!!
Not not 'that' kind of 'do it'! I'm talking about getting drunk, and peeing in the local fresh water reservoir. This article even says the birds, ducks, do it! But I want to know what the last sentence means. I'm stymied, see if you can figure it out.
Just read it.

Because a 21-year-old man was caught on a security camera urinating into a city reservoir, Oregon's biggest city is sending 8 million gallons of treated drinking water down the drain.

Public health officials say, however, that urine is sterile in healthy people and that the urine in the reservoir was so diluted - perhaps a half pint in millions of gallons - that it posed little risk.
Water from the city's five open air reservoirs, all in parks, goes directly to customers. The reservoirs are due to be replaced by underground storage within a decade, a result of federal requirements.
The reservoirs are drained twice a year for cleaning, and workers have found animal carcasses, paint cans, construction material, fireworks debris and even the plastic bags people use to scoop up after their dogs, said David Shaff, administrator of the city water bureau.

Even so, Shaff said, the yuck factor was the primary reason for the decision to drain the 8 million gallons, at a cost of less than $8,000 to treat it as sewage.

"Nobody wants to drink pee, and I don't want to deal with the 100 people who would be unhappy that I'm serving them pee in their water," he said. Shaff said the security cameras also showed something that's still unidentified was thrown in the water, heightening concern about potential risks.

City Commissioner Randy Leonard, who is in charge of the water bureau, defended the decision, citing a potential public health risk. He said he worried about the possibility of chlamydia or AIDS from blood in urine.

"I'm for taking the most conservative approach," he said.

The young man, Josh Seater, told KATU-TV he'd been drinking, was with friends and thought that the reservoir was a sewage treatment plant. He said he felt guilty instantly, and then security guards arrived.

"I knew I did wrong when I did it," he told the station.

In addition to the sewage charge, Shaff said, the flushed water is worth $28,000.

The Mount Hood watershed that supplies the city is brimming this spring, with 8 million gallons flowing through it about every half hour.

"If I lived in Texas, I might have had a different response," he said.


OK, I get all of that. The city guys wimped out, over the possible 21st Century citizen's, knee jerk reaction to people 'drinking' human pee. I guess they're OK with duck pee? But, what the HELL does that last line mean, and WHO said it?!!

Mr. Shaff, the water supervisor thinks people in Texas should or could drink pee?

Mr. Leonard, the city councilman thinks people in Texas would or should drink pee?

Mr Seater, the drunken pisser, thinks people would, could or should drink his pee?

And why Texas? I've been to Texas. Their bumper stickers say,

"DON'T mess with Texas!"

They don't not say,

"In Texas, we drink Pee!"

And unless this article left it out, is Seater going to be responsible for that water they tossed?


? said...

Guess what else is in the water.

blue said...

the gerbil movie was truly disturbing....Steve-O, taken in context, I think the comment refers to the fact that they have lots of water but Texas does not

Spider said...

Well, it's Oregon. What else would you expect other than PC'ized over-reaction. Instead of those nitwits worrying about one kid pissing into 8 Million gallons of water, they should be more concerned with what they're actually eating. They should also do some research;


Schteveo said...

What gerbil movie!?

That could be blue. I never considered that, as I said I could NOT figure out what it meant.

Anonymous said...

This is the same mentality the prevents the city of seattle from putting salt on the roads.......it might go into the Puget sound......

stinkinrottenkid said...

Press the "?" on the first comment.

Schteveo said...

I did that, when I hit that, it just collapses your comment.


(I need to find more pee-in-the-reservoir stories. This got more comment than anything recently)

Spider said...

You're right bud, but i wonder what that says about us. Hmmm...

Anymouse said...


stinkinrottenkid said...

Bear Whizz Beer...........

it's in the water!

Schteveo said...


Got the gerbils!

That's just weird!! And the worlds fattest Chihuahua, takes on two Weasels?

I like Bear Whiz Beer!


I just ate my last official, real, full meal. Starting tomorrow, I go on a liquid diet for two weeks. On July 7th I'm having bariatric surgery. I've been dicking around with some kind of stomach / head / ache all over / lack of energy thing since Thanksgiving. Although my weight has NO effect on that, I'm doing this to eliminate that as any function of my bizarre health problems. I'll never have to have a doctor say,
"...well if you'd lose some weight..."
I'll be able to say, "...oh, seriously? WELL I've lost 150 pounds, how much MORE should I lose Dr Asshole?!"
Anyway, if I'm (even MORE) grumpy, grouchy, or a bigger opinionated jerk than usual, it might be either post operative pain.

OR HUNGER!!!!!!!!!!!

Spider said...

Best wishes bud...

BOW said...

And speaking of Bud, that's NOT on the liquid diet.

Best wishes