Monday, June 13, 2011


Recently, the NY Slimes and another leftist media entity, filed a Freedom of Information Act request to have tens-of-thousands of former Alaska governor Sarah Palin's emails, texts, and other correspondences she made while in office, "made public". This is the MSM's way of saying, "we want to get our hands on this stuff ". So far, the plan doesn't seem to be working so well. Perhaps Palin is a lot smarter than they give her credit for being. Or worse yet, maybe she's something they don't even understand. Honest! What the big deal here is, in fact, what is unheard of, is that the MSM asked it's radical left-wing bloggers to, search through the pages looking for a "smoking gun" ! And, even though most of their hate-filled bloggers are anonymous, the NY Slimes will be more than happy to print every word. Can you imagine what they'll do if she actually decides to run for the WH?

As i've said in the past, one of the oldest tricks used by the radical left, (ie. the MSM) is to demonize and viciously attack those they fear the most. People like Limbaugh have been the victim of this tactic for years. And, while the polls show Mitt Romney leading his Republican opponents, you will not find one word against him in the media. In fact, most Demoncrats interviewed on TV are saying "they think" Romney should be the Republican candidate to oppose Obummer! That's kinda like the teacher letting you write the questions on a test you're going to take.

If you were to ask the left what their most horrific nightmare is, one that keeps them up at night in a cold sweat, i believe they would say, "seeing Sarah Palin in the Oval Office"...


Schteveo said...

It's something they don't understand on the left.

Open and frank Honesty!

Algore, et. al. said...

What's that?

Spider said...

While the MSM is busy hunting Sarah Palin, there's a few "minor" things they seem to have ignored;

● China is about to launch its first aircraft carrier.

● A RAND nuclear expert calculates that within two months, Iran will have enough weapons-grade uranium to manufacture a nuclear weapon.

● An analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows that if the number of people looking for work today were the same as the number when President Obama took office, the reported unemployment rate for May would be 11 percent rather than 9.1 percent.

● Hearings are beginning in the House on allegations that the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms knowingly allowed criminal suspects to purchase weapons and and smuggle them into Mexico for Mexican drug cartels.

● The president is creating yet another commission — this time to cut government waste. For the president to state that as his commissions goal is an insult to the American people.