Friday, May 21, 2010

Dora con ojo negro!! Muy graciosa!!

Isn't Dora in second grade too!? Does HER mother have papers?

Schteveo Gordo


BOW said...

I know Dora, Boots and Backpack personally (at least the kids that play them) and they all must show they are legal, if not citizens which they also must prove. BTW, all their parents are Republicans

Schteveo said...

(pssst, bill...pssssssssttt, was a joke....based on Queen Michelle's conversation the other day with the little illegal 2nd grader...)

BOW said...

Pssst I know but a lot of sheeple don't and will use it as propaganda if they see it so fit to do so. Check out the entire internet....AOL news has already picked this up....There are a lot of people even dumber than our very own beloved Anon.

BOW said...

and I think you missed my point. these kids must prove their legal status every time they work. they must provide a current passport, birth certificate, social security card, school records, work permit, trust bank account, Coogan account, one parent must show up and prove identity as well. Then they must prove union affiliation, if it is a union job.

So I'm not terribly concerned if a drug dealing, kidnapping murderer is stopped while getting his kid an ice cream, after a traffic violatation, and asked to show ID

Anonymous said...

las cucarachas entran pero no quieren salir

Anonymous said...


The nicest name we have for the president of a pissant country, who comes here to blame us for the fact that rampaging drug lords are this close to taking over the cesspool he allegedly rules.

Schteveo said...

That part I get.

When I leave my house I HAVE to HAVE, my drivers license, up to date tags on my car, registration card for said tags and car in combo, insurance card saying my insurance is up to date and my CCH card IF I'm carrying, which I do always, and it has to be current too.

But it's somehow an imposition to be REQUIRED to carry a Green Card.


Anonymous said...

How about a green tattoo instead?

Anonymous said...

"Above all, this is a debate of, by and for the American people. If President Calderon wishes to participate in that debate, I invite him to obey our immigration laws, apply for citizenship, do what 600,000 LEGAL immigrants to our nation are doing right now, learn our history and our customs, and become an American. And then he will have every right to participate in that debate. Until then, I would politely invite him to have the courtesy while a guest of this Congress to abide by the fundamental rules of diplomacy between civilized nations not to meddle in each other’s domestic debates."
– Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA)

Schteveo said...

Hurrah for Congressman McClintock