Monday, May 31, 2010

Who ya gonna call???

So what the hell do these conservatives want out of Obama? And does it matter if Obama throws some leaves on a tomb? -- David Corn

David, I will tell you what we want. We want a president who holds sacred certain beliefs and traditions that are the very essence of what we see as being an “American.” In a world of such political correctness where we are constantly ordered not to offend, we are the people who on this sacred day are offended beyond any ability to express, offended by our president’s actions, offended by your soulless mocking words. . ."throws some leaves on a tomb. . ." --William R. Forstchen

Now....there is precident that other Presidents have not been at Arlington on Memorial Day. In fact the last 3 republican presidents were absent during one Memorial Day during their administration. Of two, the President was meeting an international delegation and WORKING on the holiday.
For me, I think it has been about 9 years since I didn't work on Memorial Day, and this is the first time I actually get paid extra because I am working. It is specifically because today has turned into a "vacation" day that I don't care if I work or not, the meaning of the day has been lost on those who have reaped the benefits of those who sacrificed. It is especially irksome when I hear ungrates declare the mistaken belief that today is to honor all people who have died !!!???? Ok, sure. I don't really care, but don't declare them "American Heroes" simple because luck and happenstance placed their birthplace here instead of Kazakystan.

Anyway, my issue with the First Snob is that she seems to be rubbing it into the faces of so many people that her children are choosing where they go on vacation and that IT takes priority over the responsiblities of her husband.

I think of the past 25 years and all of the birthdays, baptisms, school plays, Christmases, anniversaries, vacations, school orchestra concerts, and weddings where my "RESPONSIBILITIES" took priority over what I or my family wanted to do.

Since 1980, the two "vacation" Memorial Days that a Republican president took, were AFTER he had accomplished something significant. To me, this president is further thumbing his nose at Americans by declaring that all of his bowing, kow towing, and American bashing has worn him out and he doesn't have the strength or energy to respect those who gave all so that he could declare to the world that their sacrifice means nothing.

Please forgive this "drunken" rant. To all of my brothers and sisters who serve, have served, will serve, or wish that they could have served but circumstances or health prevented it, I raise my glass. I savor the taste of freedom that the protected shall never taste and bow my head in gratitude that I could in some way be a part of the fraternity of the men and women we remember today epitomize.


Spider said...

That the comment came from David Corn is no surprise, since he's considered an "uber-leftist" even by other leftists.

As for the fat-assed Mrs. Obummer, you know, she's the one that's made a federal case out of telling us what we can, or cannot, feed our kids, i couldn't care less about what she says or thinks.

Personally, i'd rather see the Mooselamb-in-Chief go and hang out with his bros in Chi-town, than see him at Arlington, which would be an insult to our warriors there.

Anonymous said...

(Or, things Obama would never say, think, or feel)

"[W]e owe them something, those boys. We owe them first a promise: That just as they did not forget their missing comrades, neither, ever, will we. And there are other promises.We must always remember that peace is a fragile thing that needs constant vigilance. We owe them a promise to look at the world with a steady gaze and, perhaps, a resigned toughness, knowing that we have adversaries in the world and challenges and the only way to meet them and maintain the peace is by staying strong. That, of course, is the lesson of this century, a lesson learned in the Sudetenland, in Poland, in Hungary, in Czechoslovakia, in Cambodia. If we really care about peace, we must stay strong. If we really care about peace, we must, through our strength, demonstrate our unwillingness to accept an ending of the peace. We must be strong enough to create peace where it does not exist and strong enough to protect it where it does. That's the lesson of this century and, I think, of this day."

– Ronald Reagan at a Memorial Day Ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia May 26, 1986

Anonymous said...

I can't wait until June 14th is changed from "Flag Day" to "Fag Day". No American flags, just those of our "Fwends" - Bwaney Fwank.

And June 6th from D-Day to "KY-Day". Even the POT-ASS likes to bend over for our fwends. Janet (I don't need no stinkin borders) Nippletowno

Schteveo said...

alan, my friend, I'd rather read your dead on target rant, than anything said by our opponents!!

I heard, at least 4 times today, "...MANY Republican Presidents have been absent from Arlington on Memorial Day. Mr. Obama is no different in his needs, and no less deserving of a short vacation...", or some such weaselly crap. But on three of those occasions, from three different sources, it was word for word the same report.

i.e., todays Talking Points Memo, from the WH. I'll be SOOOO glad when they are gone.

Paranoid Abu said...


Unfortunately, these guys aren't going anywhere. Here's a prediction for you...

In September (maybe October) 2012 there will be a terrorist attack that will make 9-11 look like a popcorn fart. Probably nuclear, probably in a major city. Obama (with the help of Congress, left and right) will suspend the election "until after the crisis is over". This will effectively put him in power for life. See: Hitler, Adolf

This may happen this year since it looks like the GOP is going take over the House.

Spider said...

Hey Babu, i'm one guy who's (not) laughing at your prediction. As i've said before, this Marxist administration, and the people/groups who actually control it, have no intention of giving up all this power, especially since it's taken them soooo long to get it. Their leftist agenda is not nearly complete yet, and they mean to get it all done.

In fact, i find it amazing that some people think that after having spent decades gathering the power, money, and lies it took to capture the entire govt, that they would give it up simply because of some votes. We know that this country is no stranger to fraudulent elections, yet the American people still march off to their polling places to vote like it actually meant something. We also know how easy it has become to "create" a crisis today, especially with the full "cooperation" of the MSM.

Yet, if (when) it happens, the people will all act shocked, assuming they even recognize it.