Wednesday, June 16, 2010

$300M for Agent Orange in Viet Nam?

But I thought it wasn't all that harmful? At least that's the tack that the V.A., the Pentagon and the gub'ment has been taking for most of the last 40 years. But, that doesn't, or won't, apply to the unfortunate citizens of Viet Nam who are harmed by said chemicals.
You want to see the VFW and American Legion go crazy, let Obama say he's for THIS.


Anonymous said...

Fuk, I'll donate $400,000,000 to shtart shprayin it obber der agin.

Hey Amerikan Yankee...........JOE

U wanna Brow Chob?

Missy said...

Look ya'll need sum marketing chops.

Lets powder it, and then call it "Agent Orange Crush" and make it part of a USDA approved 'Healthy Breakfast Drink'.

An den we gib it fwee to ebbybubby dat be a shifty loose shoe mudda fugga goin into sum Food Shtanpz kuz dea beee ownz wealfaairrrrrzes

Ya'll muddafuggaz be DOWN WIT DIZ??? EH HENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!